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Road 07-19-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 16401)
Yeah but in mid 20's and really really horny. Every girl i see on the street i want to fuck.
Not even only hot ones, i mean average looking ones too.
I would never cheat on my girl, but i know that there will be a point in my life where i will make up for all the sex i missed out on duiring highschoool etc...
So yea, at some point in my life i am going to take a year off from most other things and just focus on getting laid. Doesenet even matter if its with escorts, regualar one night stands, really not important. I just want to go through a lot of girls, hopefully all different nationalities too.

Isn't that the mindset of 85% of men? To get laid everyday? If you ever break up with your GF and don't get the "I want her back" feeling I suggest studying up on picking woman technique. I forgot what those men are called, they have a speical name. Because if you have her heart, your size won't matter.

crazy8 07-21-2011 07:13 PM

Yes, it is a mindset of most men.
But most men do not loose their virginity at 23. Some of us have a lot of pussy to make up for years of being single.
As far as techniques go, ehhhh, not for me.
Im not too interested in picking up random women while i have small size. If PE works and i can get a least a little bigger, than its a different story. For now im not too interested in one night stands that have potential to end bad.

Road 07-22-2011 04:07 AM

Are you already trying PE?

crazy8 07-22-2011 12:18 PM

No, unfortunately i am not. Been wanting to start so many times already. Its difficult for me because i live with my gf. We work pretty much same hours, so basically we are also home during same hours. I know she would not aprove me doing it so i have to figure out a tricky way. I dont want to start it and do it half ass. This is too important.

BindiCat 07-22-2011 04:43 PM

Why wouldn't she be ok with it?

Also, I don't know how long it takes to do each day, but if it's not too long then you could go take a shower by yourself and lock the door, and just do it while you're in the shower.

crazy8 07-22-2011 05:56 PM

Well, she claims that she loves my size and would not want it to change.
Secondly, she would not want me doing anything that may harm me.
And lastly, i feel kind of wierd telling her im doing PE.
From all the information that i have gathered, a good work out consists of warming up, stretching, doing certain excersizes, and than warm down. It should take about 40 min to an hour. Kind of too long to be in the shower. And i see no point of rushing through it because i can damage myself very badly that way.

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