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Road 07-15-2011 12:38 AM

If a small size was accepted all around the world..
Would you/men in general still be self-conscience? If we wern't mocked at, made fun of, looked down upon, how different would your mindset be? How open would people all around be? I guess it would just be one less worry in the world. I know I wouldnt be scared to talk to a girl I like.

This also gets me thinking on my next thread which I been wanting to post for some odd days now.

crazy8 07-15-2011 12:50 PM

Life would be much, much better. We all would get laid more. Websites like this one would probably not even exist.
But honestly, even if that were the case i would still wish for a bigger penis.
Something about stretching a pussy out and making a girl walk funny appeals to me so fucking much.

Road 07-15-2011 04:47 PM

^I know the feeling, you get a sense of accomplishment, powerful, masterful man. But I think we could give a girl the same not being able to walk feeling if we eat them out right. Try of thinking of them not being able to stand right because with your lips and tougue took away their legs. I heard that in an Asian porn. Could be fake, but who knows.

crazy8 07-15-2011 05:29 PM

I guess what you say is indeed true, but only to a degree.
Girls get very sensitive down there after they have an orgasm. I know i like to go down on my girl right after she cums and she usually pushes me back because she just can not handle the sensation. Its so sensitive that even if i blow on her clit she shivers.
Sometimes i grip really hard and dont let her throw me off. Depending on how long i go for, she cums at least 2 or 4 times. So yea after that she does look spent and walks a little funny.
Unfortunately man, its not the same feeling as her walking funny after sex. You know the look they have when you put a big dick in them. Girls say their heart drops in their stomach when you put a big one in them. there is a lot more to it.
I regret to say that some things guys like us will never be able to experience.

Road 07-15-2011 09:58 PM

Yea true, but if all else fails and you can't take it anymore, Im 100% certain such a thing as prosthetic penis exists. One that looks and feels so real girls aren't going to be able to tell. Sure you wont be able to feel most of it, a BJ would be worthless but at least you will see her face and hear her moans as you shove in it. That's only for a hook up/ one night stand I'd imagine.

crazy8 07-18-2011 12:13 PM

Ehhh, thats a dangerous route to take. Even to me, the end result does not seem like its worth it.
Like i mentioned before. I am giving PE a try. I have no idea if it works or not, but i will try.
If that fails, i guess i would just have to come to terms with it. In that case i would probably find a girl who didint have sex much and pay her x amount of $ to let me fuck her with like a 10 inch dildo. Just to know to an extent what its like to fuck the shit out of a girl.
Weird, i know!

Road 07-18-2011 04:30 PM

I still think you should just come to terms with it. If I was in your place that's what I would try to do, and by that I mean having a hot loving GF who doesn't care about size. I wish I had the balls to talk to a girl I like, or even a drunk girl at a bar.

crazy8 07-18-2011 05:55 PM

Yeah but in mid 20's and really really horny. Every girl i see on the street i want to fuck.
Not even only hot ones, i mean average looking ones too.
I would never cheat on my girl, but i know that there will be a point in my life where i will make up for all the sex i missed out on duiring highschoool etc...
So yea, at some point in my life i am going to take a year off from most other things and just focus on getting laid. Doesenet even matter if its with escorts, regualar one night stands, really not important. I just want to go through a lot of girls, hopefully all different nationalities too.

small penis 07-18-2011 06:13 PM

i would say that infact those who have a problem with small penis are infact men i have a small penis and yes i know i have but that never bothers me if anyone was to say to me about my size i would simply say yes i know it is so get over it

insecure 07-18-2011 08:33 PM

John Holmes and american triple X on the old sats is what screwed me up...of course i started watching that stuff in grade 7 so i really stood no chance with my buddies sisters watching it at the same time going on about the size of the

I'm perfectly content with what I have because i know how to use it very well.....u big dicked cocksuckes can fuck yourselves..lmao

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