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peanut2 09-01-2012 08:35 PM

I used to be really embarassed in the locker room now I kind of like the idea that they see me. Im sure they suspected I was smaller anyway. Like the op I dont have much of a bulge in my pants.

lildickydaddy 10-23-2012 11:57 PM

I joined a new gym about 6 months back, a small family-owned place and quiet in the mornings when I go. I'd got used to having the changing room and showers to myself after a while and not worrying about taking a cold shower. Then, about 2 weeks back Id just started the cold shower when in comes 2 boys about 12-13yo. Neither very well endowed but both bigger than me. Smiles, smirks, embarrassment. Turns out to be the owner's son and a friend on vacation from school. Damn !

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