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jobleau 09-23-2011 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by greatsayaman (Post 18622)
Foreskins = protect your cock, look good (again, some like it, some don't, but the people who don't only dislike it 'cause their first cock was uncut. xD)... and uh... PROTECTS THE MOST SENSITIVE, PLEASURABLE AREA OF YOUR BODY!!!

I'd rather keep my sensitivity and have epic, explosive orgasms that have me shivering... than just substandard orgasms. ;D

Sorry to say so, but that is a legend. To my knowledge, there are no scientific study that proves an uncut cock is more sensitive than a cut one.

Nerves in your body can be hurt by several factors indeed. But stating that having a sheeted cock head makes it more sensitive is pure fallacy. The nerves in your cock head won't get less sensitive because you're cut and it rubs on your underwear no less than the nerves in your hand will get less sensitive if you wear gloves or the ones in your feet will because you wear socks.

In reality, cut men will actually experience more discomfort than uncut men because of that. But definitely not less sensitivity. And I'm sure all cut men here can attest to have had "explosive orgasms" rather than "just substandard orgasms". And on that subject, cut or not, your orgasms strength will vary from time to time because of many factors.

That is not how a human body works, period. So please get your facts straight instead of speaking thru your hat.

Disclaimer: I am cut.

BindiCat 09-23-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 18773)
Sorry to say so, but that is a legend. To my knowledge, there are no scientific study that proves an uncut cock is more sensitive than a cut one.

Nerves in your body can be hurt by several factors indeed. But stating that having a sheeted cock head makes it more sensitive is pure fallacy. The nerves in your cock head won't get less sensitive because you're cut and it rubs on your underwear no less than the nerves in your hand will get less sensitive if you wear gloves or the ones in your feet will because you wear socks.

In reality, cut men will actually experience more discomfort than uncut men because of that. But definitely not less sensitivity. And I'm sure all cut men here can attest to have had "explosive orgasms" rather than "just substandard orgasms". And on that subject, cut or not, your orgasms strength will vary from time to time because of many factors.

That is not how a human body works, period. So please get your facts straight instead of speaking thru your hat.

Disclaimer: I am cut.

I would say that a person who was cut as a baby is still going to have a good orgasm. But since it's the only orgasm they've known, they can't compare it to anything else. Same with uncut guys. And yes, each orgasm is going to be a bit different from the last one.

However, it's not that the nerves in the cock head change in sensitivity at all, it's that being exposed all the time builds up a callous of sorts on the cock head, which is said to dull sensitivity. However, the foreskin itself contains a ton of nerves, so by cutting it off you're losing all of them.

hoverfly 09-26-2011 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by tinydick4u (Post 18820)
I was cut the day after I was born.I'm still traumatized. :p

LOL. So would I be if a day after my birth some bastard came running after me with a knife, threatening to cut part of my already small cock off. I think, I'd make that guy suffer. LOL

hoverfly 09-26-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by greatsayaman (Post 18747)
You should read up on foreskins then. Basically without one your cock head is constantly rubbing against your clothes and shit, which eventually leads to damaged nerves and sensitivity loss, and what not. So yes, the orgasm isn't quite as fulfilling.

As Bindicat wrote in an earlier reply, I too don't have the comparisson, since I am uncut. I could find out, something that someone that is cut can't. So, neither will ever have the experience and I'd be curious how science could meassure the 'quality' of an orgasm.

Do we really always have to chase better performance? Some things are simply best enjoyed.

Sixincher 09-30-2011 09:26 PM

And circumcised guys cant wank by pulling the skin over their knobs as opposed to shaft only manipulations. Beat that.

greatsayaman 10-02-2011 07:11 AM

That's the only way I do it, actually. xD Done it with the shaft before and it does not feel great at all... I can't cum from it. xD

jzedalisa 10-11-2011 03:57 PM

I can't seem to understand the tape way of doing this. Any help

coyote6at 10-12-2011 08:23 AM

i like my foreskin. so great pleasure to play with it and pull on it

jobleau 10-12-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by BindiCat (Post 18799)
I would say that a person who was cut as a baby is still going to have a good orgasm. But since it's the only orgasm they've known, they can't compare it to anything else. Same with uncut guys. And yes, each orgasm is going to be a bit different from the last one.

I happen to have a friend who got circumcised in his early forties (he's now close to 60) and last time I saw him I asked him what difference he could feel. His answer was that it feels a bit different but just as good. The biggest difference, he mentioned, is that the head is always uncovered upon entering, which was not always the case when he was uncut, and that is something he particularly liked.

BindiCat 10-12-2011 04:32 PM

And those are pretty much the only people who are allowed to compare. :p

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