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deedee 09-08-2011 03:47 AM

Growing a foreskin.
I've read about guys stretching what skin they have left to recover what was cut from them by the doctor and well intending parents. Has anyone ever tried and is it at all successful? Mine little dick spends a good amount of it's time in hiding and I don't think I would need to stretch it much to have a semi foreskin. :cool:

BindiCat 09-08-2011 05:03 PM

I keep telling my fiance to do this, but he won't. :p

It can be done, but it takes a long time. I don't remember all the technical jargon, but basically what's happening is that by keeping the skin stretched taut all the time, the cells start dividing up and eventually create additional skin. So then you have more to pull taut. And you keep doing this until you eventually have a foreskin. Though it won't be a true foreskin, obviously; it's lacking all the nerves and whatnot that were in your original foreskin, but it will still serve the purpose of protecting the head (so you'll lose the callous caused by constantly rubbing on clothes, and gain sensitivity because of it) and will have all the benefits of a foreskin for any sex partners you may have. There's plenty of info online to learn how to do it if you want to go that route.

4skin_lover 09-19-2011 02:14 AM

I've done some stretching over a few years with a TLC Tugger and it is really worth it, my glans (head) is now covered most of the time and has gained (ie regained) sensitivity which gives me a lot more sensation when I have sex with my girlfriend.

@crossdresser, you're entitled to your opinion about foreskins but I find circumcised penises quite ugly and whole ones much more ergonomic. It's a matter of personal taste isn't it really?

Mike83 09-19-2011 02:43 AM

I like my foreskin would change it for ant think and prefer uncut dicks

greatsayaman 09-19-2011 08:42 AM

Foreskins = protect your cock, look good (again, some like it, some don't, but the people who don't only dislike it 'cause their first cock was uncut. xD)... and uh... PROTECTS THE MOST SENSITIVE, PLEASURABLE AREA OF YOUR BODY!!!

I'd rather keep my sensitivity and have epic, explosive orgasms that have me shivering... than just substandard orgasms. ;D

Sixincher 09-19-2011 10:16 PM

me too, love the 'skin

hoverfly 09-21-2011 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by greatsayaman (Post 18622)
Foreskins = protect your cock, look good (again, some like it, some don't, but the people who don't only dislike it 'cause their first cock was uncut. xD)... and uh... PROTECTS THE MOST SENSITIVE, PLEASURABLE AREA OF YOUR BODY!!!

I'd rather keep my sensitivity and have epic, explosive orgasms that have me shivering... than just substandard orgasms. ;D

That last sentence is a bit of a sweeping statement. I'm uncut, not really a cultural thing where I come from but I wouldn't think that a circumcised penis leads to having a less then fulfilling climax.

greatsayaman 09-22-2011 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 18695)
That last sentence is a bit of a sweeping statement. I'm uncut, not really a cultural thing where I come from but I wouldn't think that a circumcised penis leads to having a less then fulfilling climax.

You should read up on foreskins then. Basically without one your cock head is constantly rubbing against your clothes and shit, which eventually leads to damaged nerves and sensitivity loss, and what not. So yes, the orgasm isn't quite as fulfilling.

SmallOregonDick 09-22-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by greatsayaman (Post 18747)
You should read up on foreskins then. Basically without one your cock head is constantly rubbing against your clothes and shit, which eventually leads to damaged nerves and sensitivity loss, and what not. So yes, the orgasm isn't quite as fulfilling.

I'm cut and my nuts always feel amazing and usually leave a nice load.

greatsayaman 09-22-2011 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by SmallOregonDick (Post 18756)
I'm cut and my nuts always feel amazing and usually leave a nice load.

Imagine how much better it'd feel with all the nerves, then. :)

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