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Old 10-10-2011, 01:07 PM   #1
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Default Tried and tested books about sexuality

Tried and tested books about sexuality

Maybe another good idea to have a thread around. Who knows. Again, let me kick things off.

If you are looking for material on the age old subject of 'How to last longer or climax multitple times' try this one:

Mantak Chia - The Multi-orgasmic Man: The Sexual Secrets That Every Man Should Know

This is not an 'I must be able to achieve this' book but rather one that even if you are unable to become multi-orgasmic, it will still give plenty of ideas about how to extend your sexual encounters.

Female G-Spot, check this out:

Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple and John D Perry - The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries about Human Sexuality

This is more of a scientific treatise about, amongst other things, the G-Spot. Instructions are far and few between but read carefully, you will find what you are looking for.

Ancient texts:

Vatsayana - The Kama Sutra
The most recent version of this was published in 1963, so chances are you'll have to try and buy it second hand. My copy acutally dates back to 1883, I found it in a friends loft some 30 years ago in the UK.

Make sure that if you do buy a Kama Sutra, it actually is the one by Vatsayana, as most of the modern copies have done away with his introduction to sexuality in general and that is q pretty important part of the book as far as I am concerned.

General Topics:

Kohl/Francoeur: The Scent of Eros

Sexuality related in a wider sense but extremely informative about the effects of olfactory endocrinology, in plain English this means absorption of pheromones through the nasal passage. This book, like no other, helped me understand a lot about the background to our sexual behaviour. Highly recommended but no easy read, so be warned.

I will be adding new titles to this post as I get a chance to finally unpack that rest of our books and get them into some kind of order again.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 10-12-2011 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Corrected the original publishing date for Kama Sutra
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:13 PM   #2
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Why would a guy with a small penis ever buy a book on Kama Sutra?
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Old 10-10-2011, 04:45 PM   #3
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There are, among many other things, plenty of positions in the Kama Sutra that are good for small penises. And besides, no matter what size your dick is, every man needs to learn how to become a good lover.

I have one to add to the list:

She Comes First - Ian Kerner, Ph.D.

If a book is geared towards pleasuring women, I always check it out first before my fiance reads it to see if it's actually worth anything. Sometimes you get men (and even women) writing books about how to satisfy women, and they've got it all wrong, which is why I look through it first. There's no point in having a guy read it if it's all just a bunch of crap.

This one, though, is quite good. Definitely one of the better ones I've read on the subject. If you're wanting to learn how to give oral sex, this book is well worth your time.
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Old 10-11-2011, 08:32 AM   #4
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I couldn't agree more with Bindicat, on all her comments actually.

The reason why I made a point of saying that you should get the Vatsyana edition is that it starts off by assessing and grouping men and women into 9 distinct categories depending on:

There are three distinctions he made, some 3,000 years ago if I am not mistaken, and they hold true to this very day.

For size, there is Hare, Bull and Hores for men and Deer, Mare and Elephant for women. It then goes on to discuss the advantages/disadvantages for all combinations. Further along, you'll find a description of which positions work best in both equal and unequal unions.

It does take a bit of thinking about what was written as it is not the straight forward 'User Guide' 21st century readers might be looking for but it has the great advantage of nor solely lingering on the subject of intercourse, which is probably just as well, as during a lifetimes partnership, you are unlikely to spend 95% of your time between the sheets.

It definately gave us some great ideas about what to get up to in our more private moments. The chapter on caressing each other is phantastic, as is the one about embracing, something at least my wife loves.

If I can find a PDF copy of it I will post a link here, so long as that is permissible. That way you can have a quick read and then decide at your own leisure if it would be something you'd be willing to buy.



Not a PDF copy but something completely legal, part of the Project Gutenberg Collection. This is:
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
Translated by Sir Richard Burton (Yes, the African Explorer)
First Published in 1883 (my mistake with the 1878 version, I just checked)
This Edition published in 1963

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, by Richard Francis Burton, Bhagavanlal Indrajit, and Shivaram Parashuram Bhide.

I don't like reading books on the computer but there is no other way here. Just remember, if you enjoyed it, buy it. Just make sure it is the WHOLE Kama Sutra, not one of those that only come with pictures and instructions on how to penetrate, since you'll lose the best part of the book.

Happy reading.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 10-11-2011 at 12:46 PM. Reason: eBook link added.
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Old 10-11-2011, 08:57 AM   #5
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I have Bindicat's book up on Rapidshare for you to download if you like. It is a 1.47MB PDF file, 115 pages, full colour.

I won't be posting the link here, as this can be indexed by search engines and I don't want it deleted right away. So, just download that 329Byte text file I've attached, you'll find the link in there.

And always remember: If you like the book, buy it.

Happy reading.


TD: I do hope I am not breaking any rules here. If so, just delete the attachment and I will PM members with the coded link instead.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 10-11-2011 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 10-12-2011, 02:55 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by BindiCat View Post
?....I have one to add to the list: She Comes First - Ian Kerner, Ph.D.

If a book is geared towards pleasuring women, I always check it out first before my fiance reads it to see if it's actually worth anything. Sometimes you get men (and even women) writing books about how to satisfy women, and they've got it all wrong, which is why I look through it first. There's no point in having a guy read it if it's all just a bunch of crap.

This one, though, is quite good. Definitely one of the better ones I've read on the subject. If you're wanting to learn how to give oral sex, this book is well worth your time.
BindiCat, how true you are! I added this book to my digital library and have been reading it. Boy, have I missed out on a lot of fun and pleasuring my wife.

I wonder how you can teach your off spring without being labeled a ....? This should be mandatory reading for the "young and restless". Hummmm 
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Old 10-12-2011, 04:35 AM   #7
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This is something I might consider buying, it just sounds so damn helpful. And the reviews are postive.

Best Small Penis Sex Techniques: Call-girls' Guide to Amazing Sex (Paperback)
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Old 10-12-2011, 10:20 AM   #8
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Nice discussion folks, I am pleased to see this took off so well. I too will be adding some more later today. It's just all that digging in boxes and rummaging through all the bookshelves that gets me.
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