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Virgin4Inch 10-17-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 19801)
Look man. Im not going to give you cliche asnwers here.
You ask whats the point of living with a small penis, the answer depends entirely on yourself.
If you ask me, i would tell you there is no point at all. I hate life because of this, and will never be able to be happy. I hang on to others things that make my life slightly worth living.
Now somebody else might say that having a small penis is not a problem at all. Some men are truly happy, go figure.
You can very well start a family and get married. Thats 100% not matter how small, you can always find a girl that will want to be with you. You can make kids, buy a house, get a dog and be happy.
Question is, is this your idea of happyness? Because if it is, then you have nothing to worry about. You will find that eventually.
For someone like me, happyness is a totally different scenario. A scenario that i will never be able to have, being cursed with my small dick.
But all in all, i agree with one of the posters above me. Its probably been a bad day for you, so you may be more bitter then usual. Just dont do anything stupid on a hot head.

I'm just curious as to what is your scenario for happiness?


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 19802)

You may have answered this in another thread I may have failed to see but what do you call small? 2", 3", 4"?

He said in a previous thread he's "around 4 inches" which is not severely small in my opinion.

MarkBld 10-17-2011 10:47 PM

Bear in mind that this thing called "nature" that everyone practically worships could absolutely care less if anyone is or isn't "happy." I kind of think that a very small dick is yet another of nature's ways to help limit the population (like, e.g., being gay). Yes, everyone's supposed to be totally obsessed with "getting married and raising a family"; but that doesn't mean everyone's destined for that dubious bliss. The real problem, it seems to me, is that everyone wants to be like everyone else. Thank goodness not everyone succeeds. This world would be the most boring place imaginable if everyone really were like everyone else.

Virgin4Inch 10-18-2011 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by MarkBld (Post 19809)
Bear in mind that this thing called "nature" that everyone practically worships could absolutely care less if anyone is or isn't "happy."

Probably why it's not a good idea to leave it up to nature to achieve happiness. It's better to do your best to create your own.


Originally Posted by MarkBld (Post 19809)
I kind of think that a very small dick is yet another of nature's ways to help limit the population (like, e.g., being gay). Yes, everyone's supposed to be totally obsessed with "getting married and raising a family"; but that doesn't mean everyone's destined for that dubious bliss. The real problem, it seems to me, is that everyone wants to be like everyone else. Thank goodness not everyone succeeds. This world would be the most boring place imaginable if everyone really were like everyone else.

How does having a small penis or being gay limit the population?

I would say war and decease does that job a lot better

getting married and raising a family a dubious bliss? hardly

jobleau 10-18-2011 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 19819)
How does having a small penis or being gay limit the population?

While a small penis probably won't, I have yet to see a gay couple produce a child. But considering the rate at which the planet population is growing, that's probably a good thing.


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 19819)
I would say war and decease does that job a lot better

War sure does (help?!?!... sic:eek:) I think because the growth rate is higher than the decrease rate. Not saying I condone war here.

Have a look at this: Population growth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During the year 2011 according to estimates:

135 million people will be born
57 million people will die and
78 million people will increase the world population.

Sixincher 10-18-2011 07:43 AM

Yes it is definitely not worth topping yourself just becauseyou have a small pecker.

hoverfly 10-18-2011 03:54 PM

To be perfectly honest, I only started even thinking about size as an issue when I became a member here. Not once in the last quarter of a century have I ever even considered feeling sorry for myself, which honestly, I still don't.

It is what it is, there are no two ways about it and there is nothing you can do to make it bigger (if there was, everybody would have a big penis by now given the daily penis enlargement email flood).

I won't again go into the 'you can have a really great sex life, regardless of your size' bla bla over and over again but at the end of the day... it is true.

Happily humping after +25 years of happy marriage.

Virgin4Inch 10-18-2011 05:29 PM

I think the biggest problem for joe and those in the same position as him is not having a live in the flesh woman who cares about him to give him the reassurance that he needs. I don't remember if he has ever had a girlfriend or wife. It doesn't sound like it. Until that happens he's always going to have the doubts about whether he will be laughed at or rejected. Unfortunately to get to that point he has to make the leap of faith.

hoverfly 10-18-2011 05:46 PM

Too true, virgin4inch. Unfortunately, he seems to have given up on this thread for the time being. Would be nice if he were to rejoin the discussion at some point as without him this is a bit like 'pissing into the wind'. Pardon the expression.

nangatrad86 10-18-2011 07:18 PM

I hate threads like these....... Its like askin a blind guy whats the point of living if you cant see...
Penis size isnt everything!! like everyone here.... See the brighter side of it instead of looking at the bad side.... how bout try to stop looking at porn all day long and actually go out and have fun...women are women .... there are lots of ways to pleasure and make a woman happy... and your dick isnt the only thing capable of doing that....

joe1257 10-18-2011 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 19848)
I think the biggest problem for joe and those in the same position as him is not having a live in the flesh woman who cares about him to give him the reassurance that he needs. I don't remember if he has ever had a girlfriend or wife. It doesn't sound like it. Until that happens he's always going to have the doubts about whether he will be laughed at or rejected. Unfortunately to get to that point he has to make the leap of faith.

I never had a gf and I am still a virgin. I don't have enough confidence to even be around women.

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