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Road 01-07-2012 09:37 PM

Hey Crazy, I suggest you watch this documentary. He shares a lot of our thoughts.

My Penis and I | Watch Free Documentary Online

hoverfly 01-08-2012 09:16 AM

Alternatively, you could download it from Rapidshare for viewing on a DivX compatible DVD player.

My Penis and I
(c) BBC, 2005

Since childhood, Barraclough has been convinced that his penis is too small. He reveals how this has tainted his sense of masculinity over the years and, ultimately, the effect it has had on his relationship with his one and only girlfriend, Nicola.

In a society where phallic symbols abound and images of sex are everywhere, Barraclough explores whether size is really in the head or below the waist.

Finally Lawrence seeks medical and quasi-medical advice which, in the end, he rejects in favour of a self-help group in New York and having a plaster cast made of his member. This is the point of liberation and we see this in the excellent film work. The doco ends with Lawrence's girlfriend adding her views and from this we know all is well.

Download (approx. 230 MB):

IMDB info:

crazy8 01-09-2012 02:17 PM

Hey Hoverfly, i do not take anything you said offensively.
I apreciate your output and your support.
However, on this subject we will have to agree to disagree. What can a shrink ever do for me? What can he tell me that i have not heard before? Its a waist of time. I am not depressed or going out of my mind so that i do not see how that would be helpful.
I know who i am, i know what cards i was dealt. I know what i want, and i have come to terms that with the fact that i will never truly have what i want.
I do agree with you about what you said to Road. Unfortunately, its difficult to really get through to a person, especially over internet, but thumbs up for trying.

Road 01-09-2012 06:34 PM

NO problem man, we all try to help each other here.

hoverfly 01-10-2012 09:31 AM

Well spoken, Road.

@Crazy8: The reason I suggested it was because a good shrink will have a far greater knowledge about how the brain ticks and have ways of tricking it back. It is not a simple case of going to see a psychologist, lie on his couch, spill forth your problem and he'll swish his magic wand and you walk out a new person but as I said, a good shrink will ought to have the knowledge and experience in working with various techniques from self suggestion to exercises in confidence building that I do believe might benefit some or our members.

Unless you go and fully cooperate, you're unlikely to find out how much benefit may be in store for you.

Just a suggestion.

crazy8 01-10-2012 04:54 PM

Without question, some of the members on here could use a visit to the shrink. Those that seem to slip into depression are the ones who need it more.
But why me? Only doctor that can help me is the one that can make your dick bigger. We all know that there is not sure way to increase it sooooooo why waist my time with a shrink.

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