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Old 01-22-2012, 09:09 AM   #6
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Hi tdsmproject,

We looked into the US library of medicine page dedicated to vaginismus. The said webpage lists all sources for vagina pain. For instance, Candida is reported as being a source for vagina pain. Nevertheless, we didn’t find anything speaking about pain related to penis size. Then, we tried to find a paper study related to penis size and vagina pain at the US national library of medicine. We have been unable to find anything. Consequently, for the US medicine, vagina pain related to penis size does not exist.
I don't wish to sound disrespectful but your research does lack major scientific credibility, simply because right from the start you begin jumping to conclusions. Vaginismus has absolutely nothing to do with penis size, even a page like Wikipedia will tell you that and it is unlikely that there is any direct relation between size and the spasmodic contraction of the pc muscles. You most definitely got something wrong there in your interpretation.

Then, we asked 5 senior sexual medicine specialists.
Again, statistically completely irrelevant. If you'd say 5 out of the 7 in the whole of the world, yes, that would make it more statistically relevant but with the way things are... Nope.

We asked them if they ever met a couple where the large genitalia of the male partner was a problem for sexual intercourses. They all said no.
Refer you back to my previous comment, also, the absence of evidence is not evidence of its absence. Even porn actresses have refused to have intercourse with certain actors because of size issues and the discomfort experienced in the past. May I refer you to Jonah Falcon. Think what you will of him but 13.5 inches are just not physically possible to accommodate, which is why in so many of the huge cock porn scenes you'll see the guy only ever inserting part of his penis.

Plus some decided to back up their answer by saying that vagina can accommodate any size.
True, after all, women do give birth to our children but that's relating to girth, not length and allthough I can not back this statement up with scientific evidence, I am pretty sure that, allthough the head of a baby can be accommodated by the vagina, most women I presume are likely to agree with me, they wouldn't want that sensation during intercourse.

Well, best of luck with your book and I will of course refrain from posting the free download links that are all over the web for your little book, after all 4 $ is not a fortune but personally, I wouldn't buy it.

No offence meant and if I had more time I might be inclined to research this for links to back up what I said but... the sun is out, the tide is in... I think it's time for a walk.
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