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Tom78728 02-24-2012 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 23537)
Thank you so much for being so nice to us fat guys. Like we didn't get enough already.

I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I have no idea who on here is obsese or skinny like me. If i looked like the guy in the vids I'b be losing weight for health reasons not for pussy.

One thing you can say is teh guy gets a lot of hand jobs. But I would still like to see true small dicks in vids like that. I guy like me, 6'3", 190 lbs, with a 3" hard on would be better in my opinion.

jobleau 02-25-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tom78728 (Post 23565)
I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I have no idea who on here is obsese or skinny like me. If i looked like the guy in the vids I'b be losing weight for health reasons not for pussy.

Not all fat people can or want to loose weight. Any way, may be I'm over sensitive on that issue as I have not always been fat and hate being characterized like that.


Originally Posted by Tom78728 (Post 23565)
One thing you can say is teh guy gets a lot of hand jobs. But I would still like to see true small dicks in vids like that. I guy like me, 6'3", 190 lbs, with a 3" hard on would be better in my opinion.

Good for you. Hope it lasts. But you could get bitten too like I was. I was 5'10"/165 at age 34. I got a appendicitis that turned peritonitis and got the appendix removed. 6 months later I was at 200 lbs and up to 220 in the 2 following years. Since then it's stable. While that happened, my penis didn't change at all, so obviously the size of it has nothing to do with being fat or not. Not all fat people are fat because they eat garbage fast food. Being fat does not mean you're a bad person either. And fat people deserve as much respect as anyone else, regardless of their body or penis size.

As for small dick porn, I doubt it will ever catch on, no matter if the actors are skinny or fat.

jobleau 02-25-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 23551)
Now, if we all moved to Africa, we'd be the envy of all women. Being overweight in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda is a sign of wealth in otherwise poor countries. It is a strong statement about your wealth if you can afford to be overweight.

Africa. I thought that was an Asian trait...

hoverfly 02-26-2012 08:23 AM

No Jo, though it might apply to Asia as well, I am less well travelled in that part of the world I have to admit. It would make sense if food was scarce there and difficult to obtain for money or other reasons. As I said, if you are overweight, you are living proof of having the ressources to stretch beyond sustaining your existance, ie. you must be rich.

Obviously, as developement of African countries progresses, this will decrease, after all, being black doesn't mean you're stupid and it doesn't take much to realise that obesity is a health issue in the long run. Besides, I just love those tall, slender, dark-skinned Nubian beauties.

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