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Have you ever met someone on craiglist?
Hi everyone
Has anyone ever met someone on craigslist? I have posted ads m4w and m4mw but have only had a couple of genuine responses, which didn't lead to anything as the trail went cold. I did get quite a few responses from men, but that's not what im after. I have also replied to ads, and again not got much of a response, as when its time for that penis picture, that's usually the end of the conversation! Anyone else know any other sites to use for nsa encounters that work? I have also tried adultfriendfinder for three months, but again nothing happening. I also signed up to plentyoffish but no luck either. Any help you can offer, much appreciated and thanks in advance :) |
Hahahahahah, my friend, go look up some of my old postings and replies
My entire sexual experience comes solely from craigslist. |
Wow, losing your virginity on craigslist story was epic, Its pleasing to know that watching porn all these years will come in handy :)
When you met your current girlfriend, did you post in the nsa section, and i assume you didn't pay her? Al my attempts to hook up with girls online have proved fruitless so far, so maybe cold hard cash is the way to go |
No, the nsa section has never produced any good leads, only gay men and webistes.
I always posted in the men looking for women dating section. No, i didint pay my gf. My posting said that i was a virgin and would pay a woman to take it. Thats how i had my first experience, and thats how i met my gf. I i feel compelled to say, i have made many, many postings, but only met 2 women, still with the second one. So keep working at it. Try posting in the surrounding areas as well, not only your town. |
I'm always worried about diseases these days and that fear would double with CL Girls.
Surely there's a risk of disease no matter how you meet someone.
Very true. I swear it's like you can't trust anyone anymore these days.
I don't think it has anything to do with 'these days', STD's have been around as long as mankind, so has promiscuity.
Well, you all know what condoms are for. |
I wish I had more to contribute to this but just wanted to say I find it encouraging that someone here has had success with CL. I have tried all those things also, plentyoffish, adultfriendfinder, but CL seems to have the most promise for anything good. I've been tempted a few times, looking at the ads got my heart racing sure enough could have been a real exciting time and that's so tempting but always fearful of the unknown. But maybe one day I'll be daring enough, and will post it here for all to read. Good luck to you!!
Ehhh, truth be told, most likely your heart was racing for no reason as most of the postings are fake. Man i had to switch my email accounts many times because of all the spam i was getting.
Some of them are clever too, you cant even tell its a spambot from the first email that you see from them. Only in the second of thrid do they send the link to their webiste. One more thing i would like to add, i would not sggest responding to posts you see on cl. Granted that even if they are real, still it takes a certain person to be posting on cl, there is a reason for everything. You post because you are small, but what would drive a woman to post? I would recommend making your own posting and see where that goes. Chances are nothing will happen. But if you keep trying eventually you will find a real person. I also suggest being upfront and honest. Describe your situation, maybe someone will have an interest. |
Sometimes CL is a nice option for women. Plentyoffiah sounds cool as well. Just remember, if she looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Go out, dress up, take risks, meet somebody. Even a cooking class or something. Don't just try and get pussy through online. |
but you are right, better to make your own posts than respond, I think. I should point out I've used CL for more basic reasons selling/buying, and have learned to spot the fakes. But it's always possible to miss one if it's really done well. Truth be told, I have given up on online dating. Too many that could be if it weren't for the hundreds if not thousands of miles distance, and when I have tried to make it work, it failed before I could get to meet up so I won't waste my time unless he/she is within at least 50 mile radius. |
That sux.. :( It definitely hard enough to find somebody without those flaggers making things worse. I live in a fairly remote area, so there's not a whole lot of ads anyways, adn the few I seen were looking for a man "well hung" and that tells you right there the quality you're dealing with. Oh, so I looked in couples and actually found a believable ad post, but the woman was looking for a man to come in and be top to her husband as he's fucking her. Really not what I was looking for. :rolleyes:
Got to also say I'm kinda skeered to make my own ad...only cuz I know enough people who just go there to read them for their amusement. Oh, but I'm the sick puppy?? I think to myself. "What a fool I've been." I guess the best thing though is to take it for what it is, a pot shot in the dark, that may or may not pay off one day. I hope it does for everybody out there, but being realistic it's good to doubt everything you see/read/hear until they prove themselves. And the only way they'll prove themselves is to give you some action...to genuinely show they are attracted and care. I probably should've started off saying first, I knew a lady for 4yrs on a different forum, we were just aquaintances, didn't know eachother outside of it until she found me on facebook. And then she started showing interest in me, sending me those damn HUGS and HEARTS and shit that girls love doing. We were messaging eachother, things getting hot n heavy, finally we start speaking on the phone. So everythings going real great, right? Turns out, this girl who I thought was 38yr old who had a 5yr old daughter was actually 63yrs old, and the pics she had posted on facebook were of her daughter and granddaughter! Bitch was a sociopath. Man, I was crushed...but, I crushed her back 10x. Having said that, I hope nobody else has to go through that sort of ordeal...thought a few times I was havin an early heart attack or aneurism. |
Call my silly or a bit backwards even but what is wrong with meeting people face to face in a pub, bar, disco, sports club or whatever else may float your boat?
---- Another thought just came into my mind. Again, call me weird, silly or anything else but the thought of meeting up with a woman purely to have sex has always been somewhat alien to me. I once went out with a prostitute in Bangkok and honestly, it was little more then meat rubbing meat. I guess the only good thing about it was that it was cheap, so nothing lost there. Way back in the early 80s I part ran a huge disco in Germany and I always wondered what the attraction of having sex with a stranger in a public lavatory might be. Must have been popular, the loos were constantly littered with used condoms. Maybe I am just living on a different planet. ;) |
I do agree that sex without any connection is not the same. However, maybe its because i am still young, or just horny but every day i see girls that i would love to fuck, dont even care what they are names are. Maybe for you its rubbing meat against meat. Still doesent change the fact that i want to rub my meat in between any hot girls pussy that i see. Like i said, maybe im just too horny. |
Oh yes I have met a few on CL.. I look for older married men on the down-low Looking for a specific type.
I think this topic pertained to women, |
Crazy, I may be old, physically, but I reckon I am just as horny a guy as any 16 year old. LOL.
Don't get me wrong, when I walk through town, Jesus, I don't need Viagra, I need something to keep the bloody thing in check. My advantage may just be that my wife is nearly as horny as I am. Not quite so much as when we were younger but... Let's not get into this. |
I have had a lot of luck on craigslist. I have probably met 20 plus women from there and had a good time with them all. It is a quick and easy way to get some when you really need it. I find the women for men section better than the casual encounters to much spam there but have had luck in both.
I ask because the subject of discussion is small guys finding women on cl. Not randomly finding women and letting them find out later. |
The ones i did chat with in advance did know about my size i generally do warn them i am not very well endowed. I have never had any complaints from them though they all loved my small cock and could not get enough of it. Only one time did someone mention it was a small pointy pp that got me really hard and i pounded her good. Never into the sph thing but the way she said it was hot. She could not get enough of me after that.
Women on CL aren't looking for big dicks, they need love and attention that they aren't getting from home. I would go back on CL to search for pussy but not now, maybe around Fall.
Also honestly I was thinking about this to myself earlier. Should my first time, or any time for the matter be with someone special? Or I'm I over thinking this and I should end the drought ASAP. I was thinking on the kind of person I was, should I be myself or follow the crowd of people that get pussy. Are we any different? Anyway, maybe I'll ht up CL, maybe not.
what crowd? To you being yourself means not getting pussy? I dont know what else to say. I know my life changed compeltely after i lost my virginity. Lots of weight off my shoulders. |
I don't feel pressured to lose it what I'm saying, last year I did. Too much goes through my head thinking about having sex for the first time. Everything from diseases, her reaction, how will I do, what if I cum inside her too soon, BABY. More than likely I'll fuck the first girl who wants too, unless I got a major slut vibe from her.
I felt pressure on myself. When i lost my virginity, i didint tell anyone. All the people that i was hanging out with never really knew i was a virgin anyway, so i just told them i fucked a hot black girl that i met by my work.
But being a virgin was killing me. I was dying to find out what sex is all about. Everytime i saw a couple making out i would get so damn jelous of the dude that i would feel like killing myself. I guess everyone is different. I had to face my fears and go through with it. I felt 100% better after that. Just saying.... |
The reason i try to online to find girls is very low self confidence, simple as that. When you display this low self confidence all the time then it makes it very very hard to meet girls.
I go out in London, walk down the street and see so many pretty girls, bloody hot figured girls and I want them all, but I i know im not worthy of them, so you walk on by, hoping that one day, there will be a girl who deosn't think much of herself, posting on craigslist wanting a guy like me. I will start posting in the dating section, lay it all out on a stall, and let you know how it goes Lee |
I hear London women are weird, i read not only are they very self-conscience about their bodies, but a good amount are size queens. Weird. Not sure how true these facts are.
Road, I don't know where you picked that one up but I honestly don't think that geographical location has any influence of the size of sexual organs. LOL
Personally speaking, I find most people living in such huge cities weird but at the end of the day, London like other metropolises are so interchangable that I find it difficult to tell if I am in Berlin, Bangkok or London. I think I'll stick to more managable locations, kind of feel more comfortable there. |
London looks nice, with a lot of brown girls in London I would love to visit there some day. Hiss the crime in London?
London is a great place, if you can escape home from it once you're done with being entertained.
Crime in London? Pretty much the same as in LA, Berlin, Sydney or any other capital. Make sure you don't carry your cash in your back pocket but that's a lesson worth learning in any Metropolis I'd say. We love going up to London and leaving it again as well. If you ever visit there, let me know, we're only 35 miles away, right on the seafront and the Natives are friendly. LOL |
I watch a lot of Russell Peter comedy and he always mentions about the number of Indian and Arabic girls in London, so I like lol.
Britain has an incredible mix of people living in it and despite what some people say, I think it is great, in fact, it is probably one of the things that helps put the great in Great Britain.
Where we live, I'd be hard pressed to name a nation that is not represented with at least one small shop here. Little you can't buy these days. It all started with a lot of Indians and Pakistanis living here, then the Chinese, Jamaicans, while these days most immigrants are probably from Eastern Europe, adding more to the spice of life in these wonderful isles. No, I am seriously happy here if that makes any sense. Now that just reminded me of something I experienced a while back. There was a family walking down the road, parents speaking Turkish, the kids English and the lot of them were wearing t-shirts proclaiming how wonderful Audi cars were, that in German of course. Kind of sums this place up pretty well if you asked me. |
I have put up a couple of ads in London, one in the NSA section and one in the m4w section. Both times I advertised that I was sexually inexperienced, had a small cock and that I was happy to pay.
Unfortunately no genuine replies. You guys got any other tips for meeting girls when you don't have to rely on confidence or a large knob? Lee |
I am sure there are older women out there, that would be only too happy to have a bash at some 'young and fresh meat' to put it bluntly. What size you are, they will find out in good time and given that you give it some time, you might come across one that is mature enough to know how to deal with a smaller penis, so I wouldn't count on a one night stand kind of arrangement. Give it time to get to some stage of attraction, I always found sex far more rewarding with a woman where I felt some strong emotional attachment, rather then just being after the 'meat rubbing' experience. But that may only be me. The confidence you mention, now that on the other hand may possibly be the biggest issue. Women do like/want men to be self confident about themselves, again, at least in my personal experience. Although I have no scientific evidence for this, I'd be sure that if you had one woman and two guys, both with the same size small penis, the woman would presume the guy with the greater self confidence to have the larger penis. Too much of our sex lives happens in the brain, rather then the pelvic region. |
Sssup boys,
Just want to update on this thread. Few days ago out of boredom i made a cl posting. Basically my posting said that im looking for some one who feels like they dont belong. In short i explained my situation, that i feel like an outcast sometime because of my small manhood. I wrote that i want a relationship but very open to just making friends. Anyway, point of this story is that i got a response. From a real girl, 23 years old and lives in my area. She gave me her phone number and told me to text her. She said she had to change schools a lot and always felt like an outcast. Now, i decided not to follow through with this. No idea who this girl is, and i really dont feel like getting a text from her while my girl is playing on my phone. But damn, its so tempting. This girl is Russian. No idea what she looks like. If i was single i would definitely start talking to this girl. Sooo, moral of the story, CL does work sometimes. |
Feel free to PM me her email. I would love to talk to some girl regarding our problems.
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