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Prosense 06-13-2012 01:21 AM

I want to contribute to Virgin's get laid fund. A nice, clean, young lady of the evening sounds like the perfect cure. :)

hoverfly 06-13-2012 06:28 AM

LOL. I didn't realise that one had been set up.

As for the young bit? Hm, not so sure, I've always been more into women 35+, you can't beat a bit of experience in both life and bedroom.

Clean, definitively and nice, yes, that would be nice.

Virgin4Inch 06-15-2012 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Prosense (Post 25885)
I want to contribute to Virgin's get laid fund. A nice, clean, young lady of the evening sounds like the perfect cure. :)

Hey I don't care if she's clean or not. If she's on her way home from a mud wrestling match I'll take her anyway.:) Disease free yes;)

hoverfly 06-15-2012 09:50 AM

I guess that was what prosense was referring to, the disease free bit. Anything else will come off in the shower (we hope). LOL

crazy8 06-15-2012 01:21 PM

I could think of a couple of people on this site that need a fund set up for.

crazy8 06-15-2012 01:25 PM

Ughhh, it just really gets me thinking about guys like virgin4inch, and others on this site.

Hey Hover, tell these people that there are millions of girls out there who are lonely as hell and dream every day about a guy with good personality that will treat them right. Girls that wont give a flying fuck what your size is. Tell em man, because your older, i dont think people listen much when i say things here.

Virgin4Inch 06-15-2012 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 25944)
i dont think people listen much when i say things here.

Well you're "crazy" so what do you expect.

hoverfly 06-15-2012 07:10 PM

Crazy... For the most part the title of this thread is most likely the single biggest underlying issue for a lot of members, whether they are active posters or not. I could talk to each of them individually until I was blue in the face, I doubt it would disperse their fears of rejection and ridicule. The human brain is the single most complex thing that evolution has brought about and science is still struggling with it bigtime.

It has its own rewards and punishment system, which feeds back on itself, creating ever more problems in some cases and in others not.

The best example for this is the good old depression. Depression is little more then a chemical imbalance in the brains neurotransmitters, that science is aware of and yet, it is one of the most difficult to treat, even with todays beta blockers and other medications available. It creates a truly viscious circle of imbalance, the imbalance becomes the norm, any return to a more desirable state will literally cause something that is very similar to withdrawal symptoms, changing the sufferers behaviour in such a way that he/she is doomed to fail, just so the perfect imbalance can be restored.

I do feel sorry, very sorry for anybody having had to go down this road. It must seriously be hell and no matter what I say will make one iota difference. What can make a difference is seeing a psychologist, in combination with the correct medication and I have suggested this to a few members once I thought they were so down that threats of suicide might become more of a reality then we might like to see. But that too is a problem when you are depressed, lack of motivation, I won't repeat what I have surely written here dozens of times over, and of course the fear of having to talk about it in a personal conversation. Let's face it, this is as anonymous as it gets, so you can withdraw from a discussion if and when it starts getting uncomfortable, not so when you are sitting face to face with your psychologist.

Also, from what I have learned about the US medical system, there is the huge issue of funding such treatment and I'd have to say that if you live in the UK, count yourself lucky. ALL your treatment is free of charge, apart from the National Insurance deductions from your paycheck, which btw, doesn't amount to much in my opinion.

There are a lot of things that you have to take into consideration at the end of the day.

crazy8 06-18-2012 02:11 PM

Yeah Hover i hear what you are saying. I just think that maybe maybe if these guys hear it enough, maybe one of them will muster up the courage to put themselves out there. I dont know man. I just remeber my life back when i thought that the possibility of me being with a girl is like me going to space.

crazy8 06-18-2012 02:13 PM


hmm. I read what you wrote a second time. Now I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not...
No, i was being 100% serious. Because i know its 100% true, and you can back it up for me. The only time you will see me be sarcastic on here is if i ever post in SPH section. I openly appose that kind of lifestyle, so sometimes if im in the mood i will drop a sarcastic note. People got angry with me because of this in the past, so i dont really do that no more either.

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