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Virgin4Inch 12-24-2013 05:22 PM


So you think losing someone after 58 years of love. sex, intimacy and friendship is worse than living your whole life never knowing any of those things?

Yea i think its much worse. Loosing something that you love and cherish is a lot harder than not having something that you know nothing about to begin with.
Besides, why are you still so grumpy? You in this situation by your own choice. You should be saying these things to yourself in a mirror, not try to look for pity and try to make it seem like you have it worse then every one else.
Well you're entitled to your opinion as wrong as it is.

If having a lifetime of love and sex and intimacy with someone and then losing that person is worse than not having anyone or having sex or touching anyone your whole life then why doesn't everyone just stay on their own their whole life. Never date anyone never have sex with anyone and never touch anyone. Because eventually we all die.

If he wants to swap his life for mine I'm all for it. I'll take those decades of sex, companionship and love and he can have my decades of being alone and masturbating alone and the extreme frustration.

I'm grumpy because I hate my fucking life. It's going to be over soon so you won't have to listen to me be grumpy for much longer.

bmet 12-25-2013 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 32960)

Well you're entitled to your opinion as wrong as it is.

If having a lifetime of love and sex and intimacy with someone and then losing that person is worse than not having anyone or having sex or touching anyone your whole life then why doesn't everyone just stay on their own their whole life. Never date anyone never have sex with anyone and never touch anyone. Because eventually we all die.

If he wants to swap his life for mine I'm all for it. I'll take those decades of sex, companionship and love and he can have my decades of being alone and masturbating alone and the extreme frustration.

I'm grumpy because I hate my fucking life. It's going to be over soon so you won't have to listen to me be grumpy for much longer.

I have not replied due to the nature of your comments.

How dare you say this while I hurt so badly.

You must be the Scrooge of Christmas!

Virgin4Inch 12-25-2013 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 32965)
I have not replied due to the nature of your comments.

How dare you say this while I hurt so badly.

You must be the Scrooge of Christmas!

Oh yeah I'm the bad guy.:rolleyes:

I'm sorry for your loss but you two seem to be making light of my situation simply because your wife died. Didn't you realize when you got with her that someday it would come to an end? either you would separate/divorce or one or both of you would eventually die. I thought this was something that everyone knows. If that eventuality is something that you would rather not bear and is certainly something you feel is worse than spending your whole life alone in a sexless life then why did you get into the relationship in the first place?

Ever single person that has ever been in a relationship has or will eventually lose that person to death or divorce. How many people do you know that have spent their whole life alone in a sexless life?

SliderCoaster 12-25-2013 11:14 AM

Seriously, 50+ years of love and companionship vs 0 and a lifelong virgin, is this really an argument.

Anyway, the thread title and recent twitter post clearly shows someone carrying an extreme amount of self-pity and total lack of sexual self worth so no wonder life sucks.

Virgin4Inch 12-25-2013 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by SliderCoaster (Post 32971)
Seriously, 50+ years of love and companionship vs 0 and a lifelong virgin, is this really an argument.

Anyway, the thread title and recent twitter post clearly shows someone carrying an extreme amount of self-pity and total lack of sexual self worth so no wonder life sucks.

yep and women made me that way.

SliderCoaster 12-26-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 32972)
yep and women made me that way.

One thing is for sure, no one is going to change your mind, probably not even a woman.

crazy8 12-26-2013 07:21 PM

[QUOTE]One thing is for sure, no one is going to change your mind, probably not even a woman/QUOTE]
Dude, you are talking to someone who does not want his mind to be changed. Any positive thing you have to say, he will come back with 5 negative rebuttals.
No need to beat a dead horse.

kdono 12-26-2013 07:29 PM


One thing is for sure, no one is going to change your mind, probably not even a woman/QUOTE]
Dude, you are talking to someone who does not want his mind to be changed. Any positive thing you have to say, he will come back with 5 negative rebuttals.
No need to beat a dead horse.
I know, I don't get it, I have a small cock and have had a very nice sexual life, maybe i just picked the right girls

Virgin4Inch 12-27-2013 05:51 AM

You think you can change someone's outlook on life with just a few words posted on a forum?

why the fuck would we need psychiatrists?

He's right nothing you say will change my mind or my life. You have 40 years of being made to feel like shit to overcome. Good luck.

crazy8 12-27-2013 02:12 PM

[QUOTE]I know, I don't get it, I have a small cock and have had a very nice sexual life, maybe i just picked the right girls/QUOTE]

Its not a matter of picking the right girls, its about taking chances, even if its only with a few different women.
One thing i want to add. This is something that i grew to realize over the years, not something i knew when i was younger. Your happiness does not and should not depend on whether or not you have a girlfriend or a wife. There are many other things in life that a man should take pride in and get happiness out of. Having a partner by your side is just something thats suppose to happen. Thats how nature intended it. But your overall happiness depends on you and not her. if your a miserable human being, no women, no matter how hot will make you a happy man.
Not sure how much sense this makes to others, but to me, i wish this is something i realized long ago.

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