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crazy8 11-13-2012 08:11 PM

Im not surprised at your responses guys.
Hey mouse, i never drove a really expensive sports car either. Not yet. But i will. I cant afford black caviar at the moment, but someday i will. And i have not fucked nearly as many hot women as i want to, but someday i will. But if i have your attitude in life, i will never ever be able to experience any of these things.
Jees people why does everything have to be so black and white, there are gray areas there.
i agree, most hot girls are stuck up bitches and will never go for you if you have no looks or money. your penis size is not even important in that situation. There are definitely some hot girls that care more about personality, but i wont even try to convince you guys that these girls exist.
But what is so wrong with marrying a decent looking girl, and until you do fucking some really hot girls. Get escorts, why the hell not? Oh right, because you also have no money. Well whose fault is that? Ok size of your dick is natures fault, but no money thats all your fault!!!!!
Sorry im so blunt and straight forward, but with this kind of attitude that you guys have i doubt anything will ever happen. And not only with women, with life in general. With this kind of attitude you will never reach any goals, become successfull at anything, its sad.
I just want you all to know that you guys are your own worst enemies. And when you get old, you will realize how wrong you were for not attempting to have a better life, but by then you will be too old to do anything about it. Do something before its too late.

Oh and one more thing. Even the ugliest girl in the world does not want a guy who does not believe in himself and sits all day and bitches about how bad life is and how there is nothing that can be done. No confidence at all = no girlfriend. So if some of you guys are hoping to one day meet a girl ugly enough that you will have guts to approach her, stop kidding yourselves and accept that fact that you will always be alone (unless you you turn your life around). So when your 70 and someone asks why you are still a virgin and alone, tell them its because you chose to be this way.

Sorry for the long and im sure offensive post. I just think its sad concepts like try hard and you will succeed or never give up are completely lost on this forum.

mouse 11-14-2012 01:44 AM


Hey mouse, i never drove a really expensive sports car either. Not yet. But i will. I cant afford black caviar at the moment, but someday i will. And i have not fucked nearly as many hot women as i want to, but someday i will.
I don't know how old you are. If you're young, you may well do those things. At my age, no. Any chance for any of that passed by years ago. Unless I do something illegal, and get away with it, there's no chance I'll ever have the money for a sports car or caviar.


i agree, most hot girls are stuck up bitches and will never go for you if you have no looks or money. your penis size is not even important in that situation. There are definitely some hot girls that care more about personality, but i wont even try to convince you guys that these girls exist.
I have no personality either, and I'm fucked up in head to begin with. A psychiatrist said so 40+ years ago while I was in grammar school.


But what is so wrong with marrying a decent looking girl, and until you do fucking some really hot girls. Get escorts, why the hell not? Oh right, because you also have no money. Well whose fault is that? Ok size of your dick is natures fault, but no money thats all your fault!!!!!
Nothing wrong with marrying a decent woman, but decent women want decent men. Hot women wouldn't wipe their feet on me if I was a door mat. No hookers for me. I will not pay for sex, not even if I won a 100 million dollar lottery.

crazy8 11-15-2012 02:58 PM

[QUOTE]I have no personality either, and I'm fucked up in head to begin with. A psychiatrist said so 40+ years ago while I was in grammar school.

Oh well if psychiatrist said it 40 years ago it most definitely must be true.

[QUOTE]Nothing wrong with marrying a decent woman, but decent women want decent men. Hot women wouldn't wipe their feet on me if I was a door mat. No hookers for me. I will not pay for sex, not even if I won a 100 million dollar lottery./QUOTE]

So why are you on this site? Are you here to discourage other guys from even attempting to have a normal life? Some of these guys are working really hard on gaining confidence, and then they have YOU with your looser for life attitude and your oooh im too old and decent women wouldint wipe their feet on me if i was a floor mat. Ooohh i have no personality, so women would not like me anyway. Are you using these excuses to try and justify your REAL lack of qualities like courage, pride etc???????
Your a virgin BY CHOICE and want understanding? Pitty? What the fuck do you want?
If 6 years ago i went online and read shit that you write, man that would either completely kill any confidence i have, or it would give me a kick in the ass that i need to not be like YOU. I sure hope other guys on here take your comments as motivation and not discouragement.

arrow069 11-20-2012 02:29 AM

As long asd you can get your dick in her, I don't think size matters a whole lot. "It's not how long the pencil is, Its how you sign your name"

crazy8 11-20-2012 03:23 PM

[QUOTE]It is sad to see a few sad sack hard cases on this site who just want to be negative all the time. How tragic to be living your life based on what a shrink said for 40 years. How about you get a second opinion mate? Someone has given him an excuse to stay in his self pity party for 40 years and deep down he loves it.

Having a small dick is not a handicap to life. What you think can be. Sure it isn't easy putting yourself out there, and sure some people will be mean about it. But in the end it is worth it./QUOTE]

I dont agree with one thing that you said. I think having a small dick is in fact a huge handicap to life. I know i felt handicapped all my life because of this. Still do. I feel inferior, i feel different.....
I believe the key to my sanity and motivation is accepting the fact that i am different from most guys. I have also fully accepted the fact that bigger dick usually does give more pleasure to a girl, and im fully aware that there are certain peeks in bed that i cant make a woman reach that a hung guy could. i know i will never really pick girls up in bars or clubs because i feel that its one of the most sure ways to get a bad reaction to your small size. Lets face it, girls who hook up with guys for one night stands or what not are usually looking for certain size. And its not like i cant make up for my lack of size with other things. i know that im really good at everything else i do in bed so i know that i can change an opinion of even the most skeptical girl who thought sex with me would be boring. But with some many std's going around these days, i dont want to be even making out with strangers let alone go down on them or something.
What im trying to say is that i fully accepted my disability, and then i learned how to live with it.
I also learned that there are many many girls out there who simply do not care about size. Whats more is that there are many girls out there who prefer to be with a smaller guy. The girl i am with now fits in the first statement, and the girl that i will end up with will either fit in the first or in the second, i prefer the second.

mouse 11-21-2012 02:20 AM


I guess this is where we differ in our opinions then. I don't view my small dick as a handicap and it makes me feel sad to see other guys do that. But I still wouldn't be living my life according to what an obnoxious shrink said 40 years ago that's just fucked up. I can't agree with you at all if you think that is OK.
What that shrink said has nothing to do with how I've lived my life. My parents didn't tell me what he had told them until years later. I thumbed my nose at it when I was told, and was even angered by it. I realized many years later he was right when he said "I wasn't in the real world". None of this had anything to do with my penis size. That happened later when I was ridiculed over it in school. I didn't even know I was small until that.

I do think it is somewhat of a handicap, just like being seriously overweight, wearing glasses, or being very short in height. Not nearly like being retarded, paralyzed, blind, etc., but still a handicap socially. It has affected many aspects of my life. I won't swim in a public pool, and I wouldn't be caught dead in a public shower, or nude in a locker room. I've heard quite enough hysterical laughter in my life without inviting more.

For those who aren't bothered by having a small penis, or can get over it if they were once bothered, that's great, I'm glad for them. I would be interested in how they got over it.

If there's on place for me here, and I'm not welcome on this forum, okay, just say so, I won't post anymore. I wouldn't want to be a bother, or discourage anyone else.

Road 11-21-2012 04:59 AM

Honestly, is there a point to banging 20 different hot women compared to one hot "good girl". From what you've said Crazy your current GF is hot and accepting, dont throw that say just because you want to experience more bar pussy.

bmet 11-21-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 28568)
I am not wanting to discourage you or anyone from posting on this forum as I think it is good to vent your feelings...... I wasn't trying to offend you with my comments and I wish you all the best.

I agree! You should stay here as there are more of us like you. I have had the teasing in the gym class lockers and shower rooms. I would shower at quiet times in the Air Force. My wife is satisfied with me since I am the only one she has had sex with (the same applies to me). I tease her with my comment of a small penis; she tells me she does not want a larger one. We were both virgins when we married, but still produced three daughters. All of this after 57 years of marriage!

This group has caused me to be indifferent to my size; it is what it is and I cannot do anything about it! Thanks guys for being here. There is more to life then a large penis!

crazy8 11-21-2012 02:23 PM

[QUOTE]ut I still wouldn't be living my life according to what an obnoxious shrink said 40 years ago that's just fucked up. I can't agree with you at all if you think that is OK./QUOTE]

Dude, i wouldn't live my life according to what shrink said even if he said it to me yesterday.

And about the other things you said, your right, i have a lot of grief over my size. I hate the fact that im small and i doubt that at any point of my life will i ever be ok with it. But i cope with that fact, what else can i say.

Mouse, no one is saying you should not post anymore. What we are trying to say or at least what i meant is that you sound very very negative. And its cool and all, but you take it to the level where any small reading would think wow i guess im the same way hot women wouldin't wipe their feet on me either. Its just so discouraging to read. And im so sorry that you feel this way. But im inclined to tell you that things would be different if you just tried to think positive. Look im sorry if blunt or offensive, i really dont mean to be but i dont know how to put the following nicely: Even if its true that you will never amount to nothing. Even if you are in fact boring, fat, jobless, ugly whatever you say about yourself. its still no reason to be alone. there are women out there who are exactly the same. And all of them want a companion. Not a single one of them would mind having a guy to cuddle up with at home, someone to eat their pussy even if your too small for sex. Im just saying, not everything is so cut and dry as you put it. There is literally someone out there for everyone.
Oh and in regards to the other things you mentioned..dude i will never use a public shower either. Never a urinal. Man i played hockey most of my life and i quit because i couldn't travel with the team because we had to change and shower together. You have any idea how much that hurt? We all make sacrifices, we all have to live our lives around the fact that we are different.

Ok last but not least. Road, my man, i 100% agree with you. But my situation is a little different and there are many more factors in play besides me wanting to screw many different girls.
But i cant help it. I love pussy, and i love a women's body in general. This is something i always wanted since early teens when all my friends started having sex. I dont want to get old and regret not doing these things while i still had time. i dont want to be looking at a banging Chinese girl or Italian or Russian girl and wonder what it would be like to fuck them. I want to know. Im sure to some people this sounds completely retarded. But this is what i want more then anything else in life.

SliderCoaster 11-22-2012 12:13 AM

The more chance she doesnt want a small one at least

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