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Road 10-15-2012 09:32 PM

The more pretty she is...
The more chance she wants a big dick.

Does this sound true?

crazy8 10-16-2012 02:56 PM

I certainly fucking hope not lol
There is a relation, but not that direct. The more pretty the girl is, the more guys have tried to pick her up. The more guys that tried to pick her up, the more of a chance she went with some of them, thus the higher chance she has been with more people in her life, thus the higher chance she has had big ones and is used to that standard.
With saying all that im sure there are plenty of hot girls out there who are pretty tight, and do not like to have their pussy stretched out by a horse dick.

treym900 11-10-2012 03:58 AM

I think they just have a better chance of getting the big ones. I've had more than my share of pretty girls and they seem to like small ones too.

mouse 11-10-2012 10:07 PM

I don't know about the big dick part, but really attractive women can have their pick among men. They certainly don't have to settle for anything they don't want. Money can do much the same thing.

drux 11-10-2012 10:33 PM

Perhaps it depends on how loose she is? Sigh that's the best comeback I have...

insecure 11-11-2012 01:13 AM

my wife has told me in the past that she did not truthfully enjoy sex untill me, shes not a big dick lover...or wasnt in her teens...not so sure anymore

Road 11-11-2012 07:48 AM

Another point to add, what makes a women 'hot'? Also, what's wrong with the ugly women? How horrible and hypocritical are we that we judge women that are deemed ugly?

crazy8 11-12-2012 04:04 PM

[QUOTE]Another point to add, what makes a women 'hot'? Also, what's wrong with the ugly women? How horrible and hypocritical are we that we judge women that are deemed ugly?/QUOTE]

Guys, please dont go searching for reasons why its totally ok to never be with a hot woman.
I understand that personality matter a lot, and there is nothing wrong with settling down with a not so attractive woman because you love them. I dig all that. But here is my point.
Really hot women are just one of the finer things in this life that we can experience. Its like driving an exotic sports car. Eating black caviar. Its just simply something that i think every guy should experience.

mouse 11-13-2012 01:08 AM


Really hot women are just one of the finer things in this life that we can experience. Its like driving an exotic sports car. Eating black caviar. Its just simply something that i think every guy should experience.
That's all good and well. However, with my looks, lack of money, and small cock, I will never have to worry about dating a "hot" woman. I'll never eat black caviar, or drive an exotic sports car either. Just where my lot in life puts me. For those of you who can, that's great for you, for me, won't ever happen.

Road 11-13-2012 06:32 AM

I say, have nothing hold yout back, no matter the looks. If she's ugly, hot, average, and want to talk to her, go for it. Start a conversation, don't let anything hold you back.

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