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Old 02-04-2012, 08:01 PM   #1
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Default Do penis enlargement exercises really work?

Has anyone actually tried penis enlargement exercises and do they work?
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Old 02-04-2012, 08:12 PM   #2
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Not many people do those exercises here on this website, but there are people on mattersofsize forum that will tell you how great those excerises has gone for them.
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Old 02-04-2012, 09:50 PM   #3
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Not personally and as Road said, from what I hear not too many guys here have. Only thing that I have heard might be working is for the flaccid penis only, so if you are into extending what is somewhat pointless, well, at least in my opinion anyway, I don't think there is anything out there that is scientifically proven to improve erect size.

That being said, some guys here have experience using pumps for various reasons. Maybe do a search for those threads as I can't remember the title of it.
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Old 02-05-2012, 03:03 AM   #4
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Oh darn! That question again! LOL!

Sorry, couldn't help it. Didn't mean to be rude.

Here is a couple of questions to ask yourself: If there was scientific proof that (permanent sic!) penis enlargement really did work,
- don't you think your physician wouldn't know?
- don't you think most, if not all, men wouldn't know as well?
- don't you think most, if not all, women wouldn't know as well?

And as Hoverfly said, what would be the point of enlarging the soft version of it?

Please, don't fall for this rubbish. There are horror stories out there about guys who did.

Pretty similar for women who get breasts enhancements too.

There are some natural products that may enhance your stamina, sperm volume and taste, that kind of things, depending on your own personal metabolism. There are some exercises that can yield similar results as well. But these have nothing to do with increasing your penis size, neither soft or erect.
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Old 02-05-2012, 09:58 AM   #5
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I didn't want to be quite as bold as you Jo but at the end of the day, well, no denying, it's all a load of old cobblers. It's one of those products that don't have to work. Since the majority of small penis owners are unlikely to kick up much of a fuss if the wonderful 'I gained 4 inches' contraption doesn't live up to its promiss, they are always on the safe side, plus, you'll most likely be told that you didn't follow this regime, you didn't do that properly, anything that'll get them off the hook. And who would go to court over this for false advertising? Would you stand up in court and tell the whole world that you didn't manage to go from 4 to 5 inches? I doubt it.

As Jo said, there are other things you can do that'll please a woman more then added lenght. PC muscle group training, massages and if you'd like your semen to taste nice I hear drinking lots of pineapple juice is supposed to achieve that.
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Old 02-07-2012, 01:37 AM   #6
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Well for me the condition of my penis while flaccid does concern me as this is how most people if any will ever see it. It is how I see it the most cause while it is up its inside her so...

For me I have done things but ONLY for the purpose and benefit of maintaining greater blood flow while soft and thus it looks bigger and feels bigger all the time. I like that feeling. I pump, though not for the last three weeks due to failing health. I also think that thickness makes the most difference other then technique on how well it is for us.
Why does it have to be big, small, long, or short? Isn't it just a penis?!? Enjoy it !!
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Old 02-07-2012, 05:12 AM   #7
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I looked around and found that most of us here are overweight. So, if we lose some weight along with PE exercises, it might just work.

All the best.
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Old 02-07-2012, 09:12 AM   #8
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This thread gave me an idea for a SPH fantasy...

You try out some of those penis enlargement pills and it's a total fraud as expected. So you tell everyone in the forum.
Well, the enlargement company doesn't care for your comments. So they use the court system to make an example out of you.
Soon, you're giving a deposition about your little dick to their ballbusting female lawyer. Before and after photos are taken and presented to the disapproving women of the jury. There's a packed courtroom and the media has a field day with it. You get the idea.
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Old 06-04-2014, 09:34 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by bustedm View Post
This thread gave me an idea for a SPH fantasy...

You try out some of those penis enlargement pills and it's a total fraud as expected. So you tell everyone in the forum.
Well, the enlargement company doesn't care for your comments. So they use the court system to make an example out of you.
Soon, you're giving a deposition about your little dick to their ballbusting female lawyer. Before and after photos are taken and presented to the disapproving women of the jury. There's a packed courtroom and the media has a field day with it. You get the idea.
That is a pretty funny idea, love the idea of the guys tiny dick becoming court record.
Heres another thing that could happen. A group of guys decide to sue the company for false advertising after the enlargement pills don't work. It will be anonymous though and the lawyers will handle everything so it wont be embarrassing for the little guys.
The enlargement company decides to fight back though, and hires some hot female private investigators, to find the identity of the guys. The PIs seduce them and then after they have their clothes off and take pictures of the guys tiny dicks. Now the guys will have to drop the lawsuit, or their tiny dicks and identities will be made public.
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Old 07-23-2014, 12:28 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by smallballs View Post
That is a pretty funny idea, love the idea of the guys tiny dick becoming court record.
Heres another thing that could happen. A group of guys decide to sue the company for false advertising after the enlargement pills don't work. It will be anonymous though and the lawyers will handle everything so it wont be embarrassing for the little guys.
The enlargement company decides to fight back though, and hires some hot female private investigators, to find the identity of the guys. The PIs seduce them and then after they have their clothes off and take pictures of the guys tiny dicks. Now the guys will have to drop the lawsuit, or their tiny dicks and identities will be made public.
I love the idea of sitting in a conference room full of female lawyers as they negotiate over photos of your little penis.
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