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hoverfly 05-31-2013 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by slipper (Post 30754)
There are those who can help... may I respectfully suggest professional help. As a retired professional, I have seen many who have felt awful, yet find reasons to live and experience life otherwise. DON'T suffer alone! Get help... please!

Once again, you hit the nail right on the head. Sadly, some of the members most in need of such professional help, fail to see this. We've had such suggestions over and over in the past. Never got anywhere. Shame really.

salmonpink 06-03-2013 10:07 PM

Once again, can't appreciate enough how considerate you guys are -with all that time taken to put together long replies. Thank all

salmonpink 06-03-2013 10:29 PM

Regarding the councelling, I actually had been to a counsellor early this year. It worked so well that I was pretty sure that I won't be down again. However, that turns the other wary around from time to time, particularly in negative situations, when I'm losing bidding a project etc. For me what keeps me from sorrow grief etc is to have my self occupied in something else, for ex, I would start working on another project. I'd love to hear you experiences..

slipper 06-08-2013 06:59 AM

Just as one gets a cold or the flu and treats it, one can have recurring emotional issues... not a disgrace and nothing out of the ordinary. We eat and get hungry again. We pee and go again... so, who says that if we get down and get up... that we mustn't have other down times?

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