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smallballs 01-12-2014 09:12 PM

There must be a HR person or someone to tell unless he owns the company or something. But maybe you are too embarrassed to tell them, I know I would be.

Mondo 01-13-2014 08:19 AM

Cheers smallballs but he does own the company there is only about 10 of us plus the receptionists, but I couldn't go to Hr even if we did how mortifying! It's probably just all banter and in jest but its just humiliating.
Anyway off to work hope you all have a good day

Virgin4Inch 02-09-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo (Post 33079)
Not a story fella, genuinely asking but never mind ay

Sounds like a story to me. Why were you looking at his dick? why was he looking at yours.?

I've never had a situation remotely like this happen to me in all the places I've worked.

Mondo 02-16-2014 01:40 AM

Hiya just to let you guys know that everything's turned itself around at work and life in general, still getting teased but it's in a banter way now.
Now that everyone knows it's really liberating when I go to the gym or swimming with the guys from work I just get showered and changed with the rest of the guys. So all these years of hiding my little dick seems pretty pointless now lol
Hope this helps fellas

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