Looking through here, a common problem with small guys is that they are too insecure to have a good time
Few quotes
I posted a while back about dating a guy with a micropenis. For a while he avoided sex, which made me believe he wasn't sexually attracted to me. Really, he was just embarrassed by how small it was.
The actual sex was terrible, but I think a large part of it centered on his lack of confidence. He kept apologizing, then going soft, then slipping out, and it was just stressful sex. I think we still could have had fun if he had not gone into it thinking it was going to be a failure.
I've never dealt with a micropenis, but I did deal with one that was not much longer or girthier than my pinky. My experience with the dude's personality was much worse than with the dick - I think he was really self conscious about it, so when we were fooling around he would say things about how big his cock was and ask me to beg for his big dick... it was kind of awkward because I think we both knew it was smaller than average, but he needed to hear that it was big to feel good about himself. He was also really sweet and attentive outside of the bedroom, so it turned into this weird Dr. Jekyl/Mr Hyde situation.
The actual sex was disappointing, but again I think it was partly due to his insecurities
Posted it in bad sexual experience thread, but I was with a guy with micropenis. He was also short. Had short man syndrome. He was scary/ farted in my face then locked himself in my bathroom and came everywhere. Kicked him out.
Big penis? I like a longer dick, but not TOO wide, because that can be really painful (I've been told I have a smaller vagina any way). I literally have to be able to sink the Titanic in my pants before I can take a dick.