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Old 03-27-2016, 05:50 AM   #1
Tiny Dick Intermediate
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Smile Youngest guy here

I have led my self to believe that I am the youngest guy here. I am 18 and a virgin. A severe virgin. I also believe that I have one of the smaller penises here. I wanna know how you guys that also have tiny dicks lost your virginity. I am on Eccie and my local moco space and backpage but I haven't built the courage to contact a lady. I'm actually scared of catching something. What do you guys recommend or advice?
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Old 03-29-2016, 09:13 AM   #2
Tiny Dick Advanced
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I would say just go with it fella, meet up new people and date, don't even think about your willy. Take things slow with the ladies, wait a month or so before you have sex or get your dick out and always please them first before you get it out that way their already satisfied before you put your little guy in. But if you have dated for a months or so and spoilt them and they are nice girls then they won't care. I always go down on my wife before and after we have sex just to make sure she proper gets off, plus she was a virgin when we first dated so she doesn't know any difference. Your still young fella so don't get too hung up on it
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Old 04-04-2016, 12:15 AM   #3
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Go where girls are your age or slightly older (NOT younger) with similar interests and INTERACT with them. Yes, forget sex... let it happen whenever it does. If sex is your "purpose" it will get in the way. Trust me on this, I've counseled more college freshmen (and women) about such things than you can imagine. As for worrying about catching something, you seem to be putting the cart WAAAAAAY before the horse, but it is a legitimate concern. You can deal with such issues as relationships develop and have condoms when needed, but again... I suggest NOT carrying condoms and that way it takes the pressure off you AND your friend (and, I'd hope that's what you would be to each other by then) to perform and the relationship can be your focus. Don't be afraid to discus the possibility of sex when it seems to be the "next step." Accidents happen quite often to the uniformed and to those who are unprepared. All the best and ENJOY your youth. You are still very much a kid though I'm sure it often feels different to you!
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