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BindiCat 07-07-2011 06:02 PM

I do #3 to my fiance, but it's one of those things that I can't really do as much as I want unless I've got him tied down. He starts freaking out and pulling away because apparently it starts getting uncomfortable. Which, to be honest, is why I like doing it. :p

greatsayaman 07-07-2011 06:14 PM

I REALLY want someone to do #3 to me... >/////////< XD

oldguyunder5 07-07-2011 06:38 PM

I have had #3 done to me and it is am incredible feeling some where between being very uncomfortable and pleasure. A penis head is loaded with nerve endings that do not like to be rubbed. It can also be done by just using the thumb.:)

Head rubbing is a part of bdsm and there are numerous vids on the net that show a man bound and the woman giving his head a good rubbing, then making him cum, and continuing the rubbing. After cum rubbing is worse because the head becomes even more sensitive.:eek:

BindiCat 07-07-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by oldguyunder5 (Post 15863)
Head rubbing is a part of bdsm and there are numerous vids on the net that show a man bound and the woman giving his head a good rubbing, then making him cum, and continuing the rubbing. After cum rubbing is worse because the head becomes even more sensitive.:eek:

That's one of my favorite things to do. If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right. :p

oldguyunder5 07-07-2011 07:17 PM

Agreed BindiCat and it can really get intense.:D

DickBeGone 08-06-2011 05:10 AM

My penis is inverted soft..I use my ladies small clit stimulater and insert it in my foreskin and masterbate lime a woman

MarkBld 08-06-2011 07:32 PM

I like both the "mushroom" method and the "campfire" method. But I cum too fast with these, so I usually switch to the thumb & forefinger rub (mine's too small for the "full fist"). The women I've been with are ok watching me jerk off; but they don't want to jerk me off. They'll jerk a big dick but not a small dick. They say they don't want to get cum on their hands; and a small dick cums too soon.

lordquinn 08-07-2011 10:51 AM

Recently I have been cupping my balls with my left hand. Then I use my right hand as follows. I put my thumb on the top of the penis just below the bottom of the mushroom head.I then put my pointer and middle finger on the bottom side of the penis on the neck or loose part at the bottom of the head. I call it the turkey I use my thumb to rub the bottom of the head at the mushroom ridge upwards. While I am doing that I do a similar thing with the bottom 2 fingers. All 3 motions are in a jerking or tugging motion up and down. I sometimes do a candy cane motion were i arch the head over the back like I am making my penis like a candy cane hooking motion. This would be much easier to show on video. Post some videos.

fancypants1 03-16-2012 05:44 PM

I like all those methods. When I wake up in the morning & before getting out of bed I spend several quality minutes with my dick. And if my wife wakes up she takes over.

Road 03-16-2012 06:42 PM

I think what I do so called the European..... I jerk it the regular way, but i just flip my fist so my thumb is basically upside down. I just feel a better grip.

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