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noolu 01-31-2010 02:37 PM

Ways to jack off!!
Hi all.. we being people with special needs ( I will say so as we all have small ones ) need special ways to get ourselves satisfied. Especially since we dont get women who are willing to accept us in the way we are and show the same level of enthusiasm.. Im sure many of us have experienced mental humiliation when we see the girl walk off.. Here are some tips i found on the net and also found to be good (I have tried them before posting) for we "Special people with special needs!"

1> The full fist method - Simply grip the penis with a loose fist and then to move the hand up and down. Be warned if your mushroom is very sensitive you might need to put in a bit of lubrication.. Also remember to move you hand up only up to the limit that the penis is not completly out of your hand!!!

2> The Finger Twist method - Use your thumb, Your index finger and your middle finger to hold the penis.. Move your fingers in clockwise and anticlockwise manner till you ejaculate! Just like you are trying to sqeeze something but make it a loose fit. Lubrication is recommended for circumsized people...

3> The Mushroom method - hold the base of your penis with one hand and use the palm of the other hand to gently massage the tip of your mushroom.. You might also want to use your index finger of the hand holding the penis to gently rub the base of your mushroom..

4> The campfire method - Place your penis in between your palms and move them back and forth.. this also
helps you in getting erect!!

Please post your feedback as to what you think about these techniques and also post your techniques!!!! ;)

babyboy 02-01-2010 12:37 AM

ways to jack off
Thank You so much for the wonderful advise. My dick is so tiny it's been compared to that of a newborn

baby boy. I've tried all three of your methods, and I've never in my life been so damn hard.



noolu 02-03-2010 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by babyboy (Post 3202)
Thank You so much for the wonderful advise. My dick is so tiny it's been compared to that of a newborn

baby boy. I've tried all three of your methods, and I've never in my life been so damn hard.



Thank you for the comment Jim! Let me know if you know any other methods...!

tinypebble 02-07-2010 11:02 PM

those are some surely interesting techniques! i'll try some.

noolu 02-08-2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by tinypebble (Post 3292)
those are some surely interesting techniques! i'll try some.

and please let me know what you think of them.. and something that you think might be usefull for all... other methods i mean..!

cutsmall 04-21-2010 05:29 AM

The campfire feels great

footsniffer 04-26-2010 11:48 PM

Try using a subwoofer, let kneel down on it and turn up the bass!

DC3113 06-08-2011 08:38 PM

the campfire is great yes, its like instant cum...but one i find better especially while edging is to get yourself really hard by anymethod whatsoever, like throbbing hard ready to burst..and then take the very tip of one finger and super slowly tease from the base all the way to the tip on the underside..i cum everytime, sometimes cant even make it all the way to the tip one time.

another method i use is kinda the same as the pone finger i just described but ita a whole fist...close your fist just enough so that your hand barley touches your dick that is throbbing will not have contact all the way around the dick just tease it in certain spots where your grip slightly this slowly the whole time you jerk off until you cum, no change in jerking pace and you will have an amazing orgasm!

pantyguy 07-07-2011 12:13 PM

Ways to Jack off
Hey guys...Those techniques are great, but have you ever tried jacking off using panties. I'll tell you, nylon panties are wonderful to jack off into. Try it once, you;ll like it.

joben 07-07-2011 06:02 PM

i like using the tips of my fingers its easier on my joints

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