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augustwest 02-01-2014 11:45 PM

At 4" I've never had any problem making love to a woman. I've never had a complaint either. I guess there are women out there that recognize good lovemaking no matter what the size.

stubby 02-08-2014 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Faded (Post 33352)
Yea but size is genetic, and considering there are risky surgeries to increase size if most people really hated their size they could opt for surgery and rectify it

Size is not purely genetic. Yes having enough testosterone at the right time and duration starts with genetics but environmental influences will also affect the duration and amount. And as for surgery, a man might be lucky if he gains .5 in. That may seem like enough to make a difference for some, but it is very costly and has lost of risk.

Virgin4Inch 02-11-2014 09:20 PM

Until we live in a society where a small penis isn't seen as a bad thing then there will always be guys who suffer from SPS.

You can discuss it til you're blue in the face and it won't change the way they feel as long as they live in this society.

stubby 02-22-2014 07:58 AM

I also believe that people can choose feel however they want, no matter what the circumstances, home, family, community, or society at large. Why should society dictate how you feel about yourself. I would say as long as people are not in control of their own emotional state then there will always be mental conditions, somatoform diseases, murders, rapists, politicians and other sociopaths, and dictators.

Young1 05-06-2014 12:56 PM

Not only are small penises a bad thing,
it's also good thing because small penis jokes are all over network TV.
Doesn't everybody laugh at small dick jokes?

Your Smallness 05-06-2014 02:09 PM

Never saw a post from you before but it was good info. Guys just need to pay attention to what the woman wants. If they do, size is not that big of a deal.

salmonpink 05-12-2014 05:50 AM

sounds interesting ...

DDoll 01-15-2015 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by inventor84 (Post 32851)
If there are any women still around, I have a question.

Why do you prefer a small penis?

Well I think they're cute And easy to work with. They're a nice change from having some monster cock shoved down my throat.
Plus there's nothing more fun then making fun of a man with a little penis

sosmall 01-16-2015 02:22 PM

I am sorry that you laugh at a guys small ding a lings. I divorced my first wife when she called me tiny dick

SmallDickTricks 01-16-2015 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by DDoll (Post 35954)
Well I think they're cute And easy to work with. They're a nice change from having some monster cock shoved down my throat.
Plus there's nothing more fun then making fun of a man with a little penis

I like having mine made fun of. My wife teases mine then I get great sex afterwards.

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