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inventor84 12-03-2013 07:57 AM

To the women here.
If there are any women still around, I have a question.

Why do you prefer a small penis?

Virgin4Inch 12-21-2013 01:30 PM

What on earth makes you think they prefer a small penis?

I don't think there are any women here anymore. That in itself should tell you something.

kdono 12-25-2013 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 32949)
What on earth makes you think they prefer a small penis?

I don't think there are any women here anymore. That in itself should tell you something.

Well there may not be many women here, but I can tell you that there are ones that like the lil ones. ;)

mrsstoutman 01-26-2014 08:33 AM

Just because the women come and go around I dont feel it reflects on whether or not there are ANY women who like small ones, but more closely whether or not she can tolerate how many just want to complain about with out doing anything. We women would love to provide as many post of support as we can but it is still up to the other person to do the steps needed for recovery especially if its someone with SPS who has a dick 5 inches or bigger.

busty 01-28-2014 08:07 PM

Exactly, if everyone was just happier around here then more women (and others) would be more likely to stay. Of course that might just be me being a blonde a over simplifying things.

PaintItPretty 01-30-2014 09:12 PM

I don't have a size perference, but I do "prefer" a smaller penis to a bigger one. In my experience, larger guys have a harder time finding and hitting my G-spot and making me sore in the process or they just assumed that having a bigger penis meant they could ram be like a Jack Rabbit and that would get the job done.

Don't ever listen to anyone who tries to tell you that being well-endowed equates to being competent of giving a woman a mind-blowing orgasm; they are parroting fallacies they've heard from people who also don't know any better. There are three ways that women can reach an orgasm: a.) by clitorial stimulation (most common) b.) G-spot stimulation (less common) and c.) if she has strong vaginal muscles from doing kegal exercises and is able to contract them enough to reach orgasm (the best example of this I can provide is by telling you to watch a man have a hands free orgasm). There isn't much feeling inside of the vagina, which is why the size of a man's penis has very little to do with the potential for a woman to have an orgasm. As long as you can find/reach her G-spot and give her clitoris plenty of attention, she will orgasm and that (besides procreation) is the point of sex.

I don't post here that often because I don't have much to contribute to conversations about penis humiliation, men sharing their wives with other men and men that are seemingly proud that they are (according to them) "lesser human beings" because they don't fit in with societies percieved norm. I only post when there is something I can discuss or to show support by offering some friendly, well-intended advice.

kdono 01-31-2014 12:51 AM

Thank you for sharing with us some of your wisdom, it is appreciated. I have never felt that I was a "lesser human being" though, and over time I have come to be proud of my lil guy :)

PaintItPretty 01-31-2014 03:00 PM

You're welcome. For the record, I wasn't implying that I think they are "lesser human beings" that's the kind of things they imply in their posts. I don't understand why anyone would choose to berate themselves like that, especially when they let another man touch their wife because they don't feel worthy of her. I'm not judging, I just feel sad for those men and wonder how it affects them and their quality of life.

Young1 01-31-2014 04:18 PM

Don't you believe that sometimes "small" is really "too small"?

Everyone has their limits, yes?

Faded 01-31-2014 04:44 PM

Yea but size is genetic, and considering there are risky surgeries to increase size if most people really hated their size they could opt for surgery and rectify it

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