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Search: Posts Made By: greatsayaman
Forum: General Discussion 11-16-2011, 11:14 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 7,299
Posted By greatsayaman
If it was possible to thumbs up posts, I'd...

If it was possible to thumbs up posts, I'd totally give this one. ;D
Forum: Condoms,Lubes,and Toys! 11-16-2011, 11:12 AM
Replies: 3
Views: 5,241
Posted By greatsayaman
Makes me kinda wanna see that, cdwt1. :3 But...

Makes me kinda wanna see that, cdwt1. :3

But I've never done it personally.
Forum: General Discussion 10-15-2011, 11:31 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 3,225
Posted By greatsayaman
Yeah, I saw it ages ago... if you're gonna be...

Yeah, I saw it ages ago... if you're gonna be part of the site then put up with it. Everything is public on the internet, and I think it's stupid to make the forum private. xD After all, anyone can...
Forum: General Discussion 10-02-2011, 07:11 AM
Replies: 22
Views: 13,547
Posted By greatsayaman
That's the only way I do it, actually. xD Done it...

That's the only way I do it, actually. xD Done it with the shaft before and it does not feel great at all... I can't cum from it. xD
Forum: General Discussion 09-26-2011, 06:19 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 40,081
Posted By greatsayaman
Damn. Your fiance's a spoil sport! Though I...

Damn. Your fiance's a spoil sport! Though I suppose I understand him.. xD

Still! Underwear isn't nude! :O
Forum: General Discussion 09-25-2011, 12:06 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 40,081
Posted By greatsayaman
Not even pictures, Bind? :(

Not even pictures, Bind? :(
Forum: General Discussion 09-22-2011, 09:32 PM
Replies: 22
Views: 13,547
Posted By greatsayaman
Imagine how much better it'd feel with all the...

Imagine how much better it'd feel with all the nerves, then. :)
Forum: General Discussion 09-22-2011, 06:07 AM
Replies: 22
Views: 13,547
Posted By greatsayaman
You should read up on foreskins then. Basically...

You should read up on foreskins then. Basically without one your cock head is constantly rubbing against your clothes and shit, which eventually leads to damaged nerves and sensitivity loss, and what...
Forum: General Discussion 09-19-2011, 08:42 AM
Replies: 22
Views: 13,547
Posted By greatsayaman
Foreskins = protect your cock, look good (again,...

Foreskins = protect your cock, look good (again, some like it, some don't, but the people who don't only dislike it 'cause their first cock was uncut. xD)... and uh... PROTECTS THE MOST SENSITIVE,...
Forum: Jokes and Humors 09-19-2011, 08:40 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 13,454
Posted By greatsayaman
Darktrap/Katie Ayanami = HOT Any of you guys...

Darktrap/Katie Ayanami = HOT

Any of you guys ever been on Trap Girlfriend ( ? I'd assume some of you lady boy lovers must've been. xD
Forum: General Discussion 09-19-2011, 08:37 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 7,157
Posted By greatsayaman
4-5 inches, which I am = smaller than average. ...

4-5 inches, which I am = smaller than average.
Therefore, it's small.
Even guys a little bigger than the average can be classed as small, if they live in an area where they know all their friends...
Forum: Condoms,Lubes,and Toys! 09-09-2011, 10:43 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 10,977
Posted By greatsayaman
I didn't like it that much. With my 2nd ex we...

I didn't like it that much. With my 2nd ex we switched between dom/sub, I made her put some in her ass and pussy and she made me put some in my ass... she fit 2x as much as me though!
Forum: General Discussion 08-19-2011, 07:19 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 4,282
Posted By greatsayaman
3 times, but... First. She was 17/18 and I was...

3 times, but...
First. She was 17/18 and I was 12/13, I backed out in case she ended up on the sex offenders list.
Second. I realized what I was doing, she wasn't hot at all.
Third. Was a friend...
Forum: General Discussion 07-13-2011, 05:40 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 21,897
Posted By greatsayaman
I know quite a lot of people, from my 'til......

I know quite a lot of people, from my 'til... well quite old. Not late 20's, but I don't know anyone in their late 20's who aren't married so that doesn't count. :P
Forum: General Discussion 07-12-2011, 08:51 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 21,897
Posted By greatsayaman
Such a naive outlook you have, crazy. :P

Such a naive outlook you have, crazy. :P
Forum: General Discussion 07-12-2011, 04:36 AM
Replies: 58
Views: 29,330
Posted By greatsayaman
All I'm saying is that it's biologically natural....

All I'm saying is that it's biologically natural. I don't tend to agree completely with society's limitations. Yes, while I do agree that the way children are being treated and raised these days (eg....
Forum: General Discussion 07-11-2011, 02:10 PM
Replies: 58
Views: 29,330
Posted By greatsayaman
Actually, if you've hit puberty, sex is...

Actually, if you've hit puberty, sex is natural... that's the whole point in puberty.

Society created the taboo of not to have sex under a certain age, but NATURALLY, biologically, we should be...
Forum: General Discussion 07-11-2011, 05:29 AM
Replies: 43
Views: 21,897
Posted By greatsayaman
'cause she's actually devoted to her man? :P

'cause she's actually devoted to her man? :P
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 09:40 PM
Replies: 38
Views: 20,799
Posted By greatsayaman
Not because you are, but you won't insult other...

Not because you are, but you won't insult other people who are attracted to other types of people.

Sorry, really tired so may not make much sense but yeah.

Also, there was a study done, and men...
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 07:52 PM
Replies: 38
Views: 20,799
Posted By greatsayaman
Exactly as Bindi said. There's no point taking...

Exactly as Bindi said. There's no point taking any interest in what they say. It means nothing.

Easy way to look at it... who decides what's desirable? "Big dicks, big tits, big asses." "The...
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 06:16 PM
Replies: 43
Views: 21,897
Posted By greatsayaman
Nice quote. :D If you're referring to me about...

Nice quote. :D
If you're referring to me about the choice thing, it is by choice. I've been offered with 3 or 4 girls in the past and turned them all down. Not because of my size, but because they...
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 27,329
Posted By greatsayaman
I REALLY want someone to do #3 to me......

I REALLY want someone to do #3 to me... >/////////< XD
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 02:59 PM
Replies: 38
Views: 20,799
Posted By greatsayaman
It's not that I don't experience it, it's that...

It's not that I don't experience it, it's that even if I did, I'd not really care. The person doing it is nothing to me. It'd only really hurt if it was someone close to me, and all my friends whom...
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 01:30 PM
Replies: 38
Views: 20,799
Posted By greatsayaman
Added all my replies into your quote, in bold. ^^

Added all my replies into your quote, in bold. ^^
Forum: General Discussion 07-07-2011, 06:20 AM
Replies: 38
Views: 20,799
Posted By greatsayaman
I don't think it makes a difference to my life,...

I don't think it makes a difference to my life, but maybe that's just me. I'm me, a person, not a dick size. If someone wants to judge me for it as a person then I don't want them in my life anyway....
Showing results 1 to 25 of 48

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