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Old 09-28-2011, 01:56 PM   #1
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Default Problem posing a certain character

I've been experiencing a problem making posts with a certain character in it.

The major culprit being the English pound sign, which for obvious reasons I can't write here as the software will cut the post off at the exact point where the character first appears.

Maybe someone could look into this for me.
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Old 10-03-2011, 09:03 AM   #2
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Thanks and I know, I took the plunge one day and changed over to IP.Board...

... only to find it had the bugs in other places. LOL

My 'View new Posts' doesn't work in their newest version. Looks like it was 'overfixed'.
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Old 10-04-2011, 10:46 AM   #3
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LOL. Oh Lord, sing me a new song.
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Old 10-07-2011, 10:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by tinydick4u View Post
I don't have access to the core forum software to make changes and updates.When it comes to these issues I have to pass it along to ricemaster.I hope he can get the help to keep these problems taken care of.If not,we may loose the forum.
OK. Though that being said, running a forum is an effort and takes a fair bit of time, especially if you don't have that much experience doing it (not referring to you tiny).

Updates, yes, quite important, especially if there are actual functional issues but then, they do require paying for. LOL

I am not sure I understand the 'lose the forum' sentence. As far as those charater issues are concerned, I did post a workaround, maybe a bit of a pain but at least the way members don't have their post cut off. Rest asured, it takes more then a few software glitches to make me abandon a forum outright.

Unfortunately, I am unable to offer any theoretical help for the VBulletin software as we are using IP.Board where at least I could give a short list of instructions to follow sorting certain issues out but it is unlikely to be anywhere near the same structure as what I have experience off, also, if ricemaster was up to scratch on his software, he might feel I am being a little intrusive, admins can be a funny lot and I should know, I am one of them. LOL.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop anyway, tiny. Much appreciated and I think you are doing a very good job here.

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Old 01-27-2012, 10:40 AM   #5
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TD: I had a message from another German on the forum and lo and behold, half his message went the same way as has happened to me a few times, ie. cut short after using a German Umlaut, you know the letters with the two dots over the top but there are others as well.

This is just to enquire where we stand on this, it's been 5 month since you last replied and since the problem persists, Ricemaster hasn't managed to sort it out yet. Maybe time for a reminder?

Thanks and have a great weekend.

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Old 01-28-2012, 09:20 AM   #6
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Turned a little colder here the last couple of days. Nothing serious and I am sure JoBleau is about to fall over backwards laughing again when I say that last night we 'suffered' an incredible -0.5 centigrade (it just happened again to me while posting this, I used the degree symbol behind the temperature, the software didn't like that at all).

Flooding, hm, wish we could have just a little of that here. East Anglia has been a drought zone for almost a year now with Thames Water company threatening to impose hosepipe bans this year, unless we finally get a good soaking but so far, not much sign of that happening.

Well, stay afloat then.

If he can't sort it out it might be an idea to post this issue somewhere stickied with more details, it might save new members a bit of time. I know, I had this happen to me a couple of times until I figured out that copying anything I write first helps, just so I could retrieve it should the post go wrong.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 01-28-2012 at 09:56 AM.
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:26 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by hoverfly View Post
Turned a little colder here the last couple of days. Nothing serious and I am sure JoBleau is about to fall over backwards laughing again when I say that last night we 'suffered' an incredible -0.5 centigrade (it just happened again to me while posting this, I used the degree symbol behind the temperature, the software didn't like that at all).
You have oh so no idea how lucky you are man. In the past week, we swung from -25C to + 4C a couple of times, and got inches of rain, ice rain, drizzle and snow. Took me almost an hour yesterday to de-ice the car.
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by jobleau View Post
You have oh so no idea how lucky you are man. In the past week, we swung from -25C to + 4C a couple of times, and got inches of rain, ice rain, drizzle and snow. Took me almost an hour yesterday to de-ice the car.
You know I can't keep up with that. LOL

Took me the best part of an hour to wipe the windows in lounge and bedroom dry from accumulated condensation. Does that count?
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Old 01-29-2012, 02:46 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by hoverfly View Post
You know I can't keep up with that. LOL

Took me the best part of an hour to wipe the windows in lounge and bedroom dry from accumulated condensation. Does that count?
Darn! Can't tell if that counts. But one sure thing, that much condensation must make for a very unhealthy environment...
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Old 01-31-2012, 11:11 AM   #10
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Thanks TD and we shall see. Below I'll now post the British pound sign, one character that surely freaks the software out and a line beneath it. We shall see...

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