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i guess its different strokes for different folks.
At this point of my life i do not want a REAL WOMAN, i want lots of women. Like i said, my goal is to make up for the time i lost in the past. If it means being 35 and sleeping with a different girl every night, so be it. I would much rather do this while im young, but we dont always get what we want do we? |
From what I see in the board a lot of people have accepted their size and are happy with it. I on the other hand hate my size, I mean when I'm going to jerk it, I can't stop thinking of how small it is. I feel I'm going to remain a virgin for the rest of my life and don't even want to experience sex. Because of my size I have no confidence to even talk to girls that I like. I get depressed alot thinking on my size, and well I'm overweight, so when(if) I can ever get in shape and I'm not happy abou my size I will look into everything I can do to extend to atleast 6 inches. I just feel no matter what girls say, size matters.
Don't forget that he mentioned that he lost some feeling in his penis. Now, I ask you, is that worth it? I mean, your penis is already average in size both length and girth, why would you want to put that at risk?
Also, if you have a girlfriend the loves you the way you are, why the story about banging lots of girls and making up for your lost youth (my God, he is seriously saying that at the age of 24. What should I say, I am 50). Don't you think you can make up for what you missed by having a loving relationship with your girlfriend? Also, you do sound a little depressive all round, do you really think your basic mental frame of mind is determined by the size of you penis? Believe me, there are a lot more serious issues in live then just the size of your cock. As far as any surgery is concerned, I think you should seriously check out some information on the possible risks, it just might put you off that idea for good. Quote:
This definately deserves a round of furious applause. Brilliant post MiniMe404, couldn't have said it better.
Somewhere in your introduction you said your penis was 4.7 inches. What's wrong with that? Maybe lose some of the gut, that'll make it look bigger and maybe bring you over the 5 inch mark.
As most of you will probably already know, I am happy, both with my cock and my marriage and have been for 25 years. Yes, a little girth would be nice and be appreciated by my wife but at the end of the day she happily climaxes serveral times when we have sex which I guess only goes to prove that it's definately is NOT the tool but how you use it.
I know I am repeating myself here but, give up watching porn for a while, get a perspective on life and on the size of the male penis. Maybe even go so far as to buy a book about sexual anatomy or in fact about general anatomy and learn how to have great sex, despite being less well endowed as some people. Did you know your girlfriend might be able to climax just from you sucking on her shoulder muscles or the neck? Anything over 3.5 inches is well enough to make a woman have an orgasm. What more need be said. |
I'm only 3 inch erect and i'm perfectly happy with my size. thats because i enjoy SPH and have learned to thrive on it. Girl makes fun ?? no big deal for me lol ..i have a GF who would love me even if i had no penis. you just need to look more.
you're small for a reason. |
Im very happy with my micro because it brought me many years of SPH and cuckhold.
You should give up on the idea of making it bigger. It's nonsense.
There is no way to significantly increase the size of your penis safely. Maybe you can yank and pull on it for years and gain 1/2 an inch. This isn't going to get you the 7 or 8 inch dick you want, sorry. It's like basketball shoes. Sure you can spend a lot of time and money to find a pair of shoes that make you jump a little higher. But no shoes will turn you into Michael Jordan. In fact, they won't even make you good enough to be the lowest guy in the NBA. |
Just to point out, i seen no erect gain what so ever until i used a traction device for over a year, even then it was only .4-.6 of an inch erect gain and its a pain in the ass wearing one. Also that is the only medically proven way to increase penis length aside from surgery. In theory up to 1.5 inches can be gained, thats not been my experience though and i think its bs. Jelquing and hand stretching brought about no gain at all for me, other than flacid and better erection hardness. Pathetic really, i can't believe i'm even telling people this lol, just wanted the op to know from someone who has years of experience with it rather than a naysayer who decided to call bs, or even worse a penis enlargement product saleman undercover. Also to the op, most on this site are into sph and will not encourage you to try and get bigger. I personally think you should not really bother as its so much work for so little but then i'm into sph too haha. If you are not willing to endure pain you'll get nothing, thats a fact, its usually only people who become obsessed with it that get bigger and even then its not by much.
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