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crazy8 12-21-2010 05:53 PM

Is everyone here content with being small for the rest of their lives
I was just curious,
I know that some of you are perfectly happy with being small, i see that some of you even pride yourselves on being small. There is nothing wrong with that, and if thats what makes you happy, then good for you and dont ever change.
My question is for the guys who feel like their lives have been ruined by this curse. I know my life sucks because of it. I lost my virginity when i was 22, to a girl i met on craigs list. She was not a pro, but that did not make me feel any better. I now have a hot girlfriend who says she loves everything about me, EVEN MY SIZE, but i still hate my life for several reasons.
First of all, all my life i always looked at other guys as better then me. I cant help it but to think that everyone is more of a man then me. When i was younger, i dreamed of playing in the nhl. I was playing with guys 5 years older then me, everyone said i had a legit chance of making it. As is got older i realized that playing hockey for living means that a lot of people will see me naked, and that fear i can never overcome. I mean fuck, i through my hockey career away because i was too embarassed of being made fun off all the time. I started doing dumb shit, stealing cars, doing drugs, dropped out of school. Here i am 24 years old, did not touch a hockey stick in years, whenever i see or hear anything hockey related, i get this empty feeling inside. I feel like i made a huge mistake, i mean i was schooling guys 5 years older then me like they were handicapped, man i kicked ass back in my days.
There are other reasons why my life suck with a small penis. I cant use public urinals, it sucks when going on long trips with friends, sometimes i have to hold it in for hours and hours.
In general, i pretty much hate my life. I know i should be happy that i have a girl that loves me, i know i should be happy that i didint have to settle for some ugly girl just because she was ok with my size, i know that some of you guys will say that they wish they had a hot girl to go home to. But i feel unforfilled, i feel empty. This is not the way i wanted my life to turn out. I want bang a lot of girls, i want to see whats out there. I mean, my friends started havign sex at 14, 15, 16....i want to make for lost time, but i cant.

So this brings me to the question i wanted to ask. Have any of you ever concidered doing something about it? Did you guys ever come across natural PE (penis enlargement) Its basically a set of excersizes that you have to do over the years. I am a member of one of these sites, i dont want to say the full name because i dont want to look like a spammer, but it ends with cherry. A lot of guys there claim that PE really works, as long as you put a lot of effort into it. So, have any of you guys ever tried it? Does it work, is it complete bullshit?
I feel like i have no choice, i have to either do something about my size or there is not point of even living. So im concidering taking a risk and trying it. There is a lot risk involved, injury stuff like that.
So i guess i just want some info on this, past experience advise will be greatly apreciated.
Thanks guys

smalldicklover 12-21-2010 06:44 PM

I've been doing PE for years. It works to an extent but needs to be done very carefully and for a very long time. Its also possible to permanently damage your penis, I know i have lost some feeling in my cock. I was a good size already, around 6.2 nbpel and 6.5 bpel, I'm now around 6.5 nbpel and near 7ish bpel, my flacid size is much improved. Ive been a member of Thunders Place since around late 2007. I don't want to sound cruel but if you are really small I would opt for surgery and then PE. My goal was to be over 7 which is doable at my length with PE alone but a very small cock will always be very small.

crazy8 12-21-2010 06:49 PM

Wow really, so you did PE and it works to an extend, thats good news.
I have come across thunderplace before. The site was full of members and i was not able to register at that time.
I am actually not that tiny. Im about 5 inches long and probably 4.5 in girth. I can fit a regular size condom pretty well.
So, is there hope for me? Should i try PE? i mean i will be ok with being at least 6 inches long and a little thicker, i think im willing to take the risk.

smalldicklover 12-21-2010 06:57 PM

Yes at that size its worth it, I thought you would be around 3 inches from your claims of it ruining your life. You really need to work at it for a long long time. There are loads of people who have got absolutely nothing from it. Some who claim inches, although i'm always dubious about those claims. Its really up to the individual, my goal was to be out of the average range and i have made some decent gains but its was painfully slow and if i'm honest not really worth it as 6.5 and 7 inches aren't really that different when it comes to having sex and i find it hard to cum due to lack of sensitivity. My advice is try it but don't expect much at all especially without a lot of work and most importantly be very very careful.

crazy8 12-21-2010 07:06 PM

Yeah, i definitely will be carefull. See, i want to at least be in that average range. I also want to be bigger when flacid, that way i can at least use public toilets, or go play hockey and not be afraid to change in the locker room. The only part that i do not agree with you on is the dont expect much of it part.
I think that the only way this is going to work is if i 100% convince myself that if i put all the effort in the world into then it will work. Im one of those people who truly believes that a human brain can be a very powerfull tool, so i think if i go into this thinking this probably wont work, i bet that it wont.
Oh and trust me, being 5 inches can very well ruin your life. 5 inches might as well be 2 inches in the world on 7, 8 9 inchers.

smalldicklover 12-21-2010 07:11 PM

If i'm honest i felt like I would end up 8 inches and fat as hell when i began pe. After a year I had no noticable erect gain. Then I got a traction device and eventually could stretch my cock to 8 inches in it, i think this damaged it but its where my permanent erect gains came from. I just don't want to make you have high expectations of a rather unpredictable process.

crazy8 12-21-2010 07:17 PM

i will steer clear of any devices.
i think that even though they give faster results, they also raise your chance of injury.
i will try the natural way. i dont really care how long it takes me.
Even if i have to wait 10 years, doing a 3 day routine, i will do it.
thank for your input man!!!!!!

MiniMe404 12-21-2010 07:28 PM

I'm perfectly content with my size... It never stopped me from playing H.S. and College Football, then again very few people had the balls (some pun intended :) ) to say much as I was one of the stronger linemen on the team (lol)... I have had great relationships in the past and present. I have one hell of a great woman now who really doesn't care about the size of anything on me.. As for enlargement... IMO you work with the cards you were dealt... I've always felt that the reason some guys had monster cocks was that is the only way they could please someone... In other words they really had nothing else going for them... Your problem is not with the size of your penis, it's really all in the head on your shoulders. Be proud of who and what you are. You really don't need to change things to be a decent person.

crazy8 12-21-2010 07:41 PM

Well, im not doing this to be a decent person. Im doing this to be able to keep my head up high.
I feel like i missed out on a lot during my life. I want to make all of that time up.
I feel that the only way i will have enough confidence to do that is to at least try to do something about my size. If it does not work, then at least i can say i gave it my best shot. Im not 16 anymore. I realized that one day i will be 45, miserable, and at that point, will not eb able to do anything about it. Come to think of it, i dont even want to live to 45 and and still have my size.

MiniMe404 12-21-2010 07:48 PM

Crazy I meant decent physically as well as any other way... Really, there are many guys out there with 8 and 9" cocks that DON'T have a good woman or a good looking woman as you claim to have. Look man, if your woman appreciated you for what and who you are there is no reason to feel bad for your size... Be damn happy that you found a REAL woman, not just one that wants you for a fuckstick.

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