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smalldicklover 03-09-2011 10:34 AM

No mate you dont get it. Its the same as child abuse as an animal cannot understand what you are doing to it as it cant be given a sex ed class. Nor can it really decide to control itself. If you get a dog and sit in front of it it will hump you, doesnt mean its right to put the animal in that position. Im one of the least close minded people you'll ever meet. I think i have a much better understanding of this than you. Like i said, no big deal, i dont care, just think its a bit wrong. Im no prude. I just love my dogs, not in the way you do though, if someone violated them id hurt that person so badly. Luckily my dogs would attack your ass before you got a chance to get near their junk. Btw homosexuality and beastiality are universes apart.

smalldicklover 03-09-2011 12:36 PM

youre the one missing the point. bottom line. im not kicking up a fuss.

crazy8 03-09-2011 02:18 PM

You know, if someone from PETA saw you posting shit like this, they would camp out in front of your house and demonstrate.
But you seem to think its perfectly fine to violate your dog. Let me ask you something, if your parents knew what you did to the dog, do you think they would be upset? That pretty much answers your question about being open minded or not. Its morally wrong. This countries constitution is built on morals, and having sex with an animal is really damn immoral.
Can i ask you a question, are you not interested in women? Men? Both? Because if you are in a slightest bit, you do know that you can be having sex with either one of thu human genders, why go for a dog man?

BindiCat 03-10-2011 06:47 AM

We're still talking about this? I figured everyone would have let this die by now, tbh.

smalldicklover 03-10-2011 01:08 PM

Fuck off and die cross dresser, your posts are non sense. You are an idiot, obviously an uneducated and morally fucked one at that. And yes mods im being abusive, if you checked my pms youd see ive been trying to delete my account for a while now! You must feel daft for saying theres nothing wrong with it too bindicat. Never in a million years will you get me to compare human sex with beastiality. You really dont get my point at all about taking advantage of something with less brain power. sad. tbh. Id not have went into this if cdwt1 would have just let it lie at being called a sicko.! Arguing about stuff when youre thick as pigshit is never going to prove fruitful. lol. ok, my last post guys, i hate most of you, crazy 8 your still coo though.

crazy8 03-10-2011 03:35 PM

Hey come on smalldicklover, do get so frostrated with this guy. I feel bad for the dog, i feel bad for the parents, i eve feel bad for the neighbors. But listen, its not worth having your account deleted. I dont know what beef you have with people on this site, but your a cool dude, and we need guys like you around here. Most people just browse through, your one of the only ones who actually takes his time and tries to explain if possible.
Stick around man. Im sure through time, a lot fo guys are going to come here, shattered, discouraged, confused......who is going to be the voice of logic?

crazy8 03-11-2011 05:42 PM

Its plain and simple. Tell your parents what adventure your family dog had when you were 13. Tell them all about it. Ask them what they think about this topic. Before making a statement like this country is close minded, please see how things are at you own home.
But i mean yea i see what he means, what can be better then a hairy, smelly, unaware k9?????certainly not a woman

BindiCat 03-11-2011 08:14 PM

Oh god. If I fucked a dog and then told my parents, they'd literally kill me. But my parents are very close minded (fundamentalist evangelical southern baptists, anyone?), so that would happen with a lot of things. Hell, that would probably happen if I was gay, too. My parents wouldn't be a good representation of the rest of society.

Not that most of society doesn't also think fucking dogs is wrong. But still. :p

Lilman91 06-03-2011 04:35 PM

Lmao this is the funniest shit Ive read all day,he fucked a dog lmao ewwww

peanut2 06-03-2011 07:44 PM

Well I don't have any stories! I am still a virgin but I am hopeful that maybe soon it will happen. I am dating a girl now and we have played around just not all the way.

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