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greatsayaman 07-12-2011 04:36 AM

All I'm saying is that it's biologically natural. I don't tend to agree completely with society's limitations. Yes, while I do agree that the way children are being treated and raised these days (eg. people think they can do nothing for themselves, molly-coddling, thus they tend not to grow up as fast) that they shouldn't be having sex young. However, if they were allowed to grow up naturally, without the oppression of those older than them who feel like age means everything, they would be ready for sex, and everything else in life, at a much lower age.

ackeem 07-14-2011 02:52 AM

cant believe bestiality was actually real lol, like wtf a dog? lmao!!! :)

ackeem 07-14-2011 08:27 PM

well you were young so i can see why, but whatever floats your boat man, btw which do you prefer now girls or dogs? or d you still feel attractive to dogs i'm just curios.

for the record to the op im still a virgin

ackeem 07-16-2011 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by crossdresser_with_tiny_1 (Post 16277)
i still feel attractive to dogs becuase i have done it more then onces lol, but i perfer boys and girls

o ok man just dont hurt em, a few ppl down here like fu*king goats too, not dogs tho

ackeem 07-16-2011 07:37 PM

oooooooo i c..ok

tower 03-21-2012 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by boyishman2 (Post 15975)
I lost my virginity (full intercourse virginity that is) when I was 17. The girl I lost it to was already experienced. It was a bit embarrassing as I didnt perform very well ( kept slipping out of her pussy for one) I then came way too quickly and left her totally unsatisfied. I saw her again about a week later at a party and she was with a group of her girlfriends. They all giggled when I came over to speak to her and I quickly fled when one of her friends said "I heard you have a tiny cock and you dont know how to use it" The worst thing was her and her friends were only 14 and 15 (I was sure she was at least 16 but I found out after I had slept with her that she was only 14 going on 15)

The 14 yr old girl sounds like she was very loose so dont feel bad. Teen girls can be quite cruel & immature.

joe1257 03-21-2012 10:44 AM

I'm still a virgin and will probably always be one.

fancypants1 03-21-2012 01:25 PM

Next day was his turn. He got completely naked. His cock was already hard & it was huge. I wanted to back out but a promise is a promise. He laid on the sofa boner pointing up. He began instructing me again on what to do with his cock. And I did it step by step. He took way longer to cum but when he did he grabbed the back of my head & thrust his huge cock to my throat about 15 times. While I gagged he came & I thought he was pissing. Almost all went down my throat. I was madder than hell but he assured me I was ok & not hurt. We gave each other bj's for a few years quite regularly. He was later killed in a work related accident.

bmet 03-22-2012 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by BindiCat (Post 11038)
Oh god. If I fucked a dog and then told my parents, they'd literally kill me. But my parents are very close minded (fundamentalist evangelical southern baptists, anyone?), so that would happen with a lot of things. Hell, that would probably happen if I was gay, too. My parents wouldn't be a good representation of the rest of society.

Not that most of society doesn't also think fucking dogs is wrong. But still. :p

Good to see you still around!

drake7k 04-06-2012 03:09 PM

First time I lost my virginity was when I was 12 with a 15 year old slut. I was always small in every way for my age, and looked more like I was 10. Looking back, I think she was a pedo, but what do I know. She wanted to be my girlfriend, and I got to boast that I had a highschool girlfriend. We were hanging out and watching horror movies at her house, and afterwords, her mother went to work, and her dad was taking a shower getting ready for work, and she took me to her room and asked me to have sex with her. I guess her dad thought I was harmless. she layed on the edge of her bed and and I put my tiny little cock in until I had a dry orgasm. Afterwords I felt dirty and used. I mean I still played with GiJoes and legos and realized that I wasn't ready for that yet, so I broke up with her the next day. The first time I lost my anal virginity was when I was 14 to a boy that was only a year older then me. We were having a sleep over at his house, and I was already sucking him off on a regular basis, and he wanted to fuck me, so I let him. It was painful at first, but then it felt really good, but he was about 5 inches and thin, so it wasn't very painful after the initial wore off.

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