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Old 03-29-2011, 03:50 AM   #1
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Cool, so your story lends support to my theory. Thanks for sharing, it was very interesting.

Small dicks in porn are almost a dealbreaker for me these days. It just symbolises fakeness imo. It's hard to get a genuine reaction in porn since there is a lot of 'performance' involved, but when a girl sees or gets penetrated by a huge dick for the first time, you can tell there is no faking and that is very erotic for me.
When I first started watching porn I was about 13/14 and didnt know much about penis size, plus I was still growing anyway. At that time I didnt like to watch scenes with guys, it seemed 'gay'. I was there for the girls, guys dicks were gross. But as time went on and I realised I was below average, those same dicks became more and more interesting and exciting. They had that special thing that I didnt and could do things to women that I couldnt. So nowadays a scene is greatly enhanced for me if there is a hung guy in it and I have no problem looking at dicks, especially big ones. They have got me hard a few times too although I dont want to suck or fuck them. It's more about what they represent and how that is exciting. An undeniable effect for sure.
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Old 03-31-2011, 11:25 AM   #2
Tiny Dick Wanna Be
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by SliderCoaster View Post
When I first started watching porn I was about 13/14 and didnt know much about penis size, plus I was still growing anyway. At that time I didnt like to watch scenes with guys, it seemed 'gay'. I was there for the girls, guys dicks were gross.
It's funny that you say that, since more or less that has always been my attitude towards porn. My porn collection is 95% lesbian just because of that. When I do watch porn with a male in it, I could care less if the guy is large or small. It's all about what the chick does with it.

I have the same stance in real life with my own average (or below) penis. I'm going to use it to the best of my ability, and if the lady I'm with has skills, we should be able to make it work just fine. The onus isn't just on me to make sex an enjoyable experience.
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