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peanut2 05-25-2011 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by BindiCat (Post 13644)
My fiance had a problem with cumming way too quick. Start-stop and other techniques like that didn't help us at all. But what does help are cock rings, and he also started taking a really low dose of Zoloft (an antidepressant) that he got a prescription for specifically to delay ejaculation. It's low enough that he doesn't feel any effects from it, but it's just enough that it makes him last twice as long, at the very least (without a cock ring). And with insurance, it's really cheap.

I have heard that anti depressants would lower your drive. I had never thought of or heard of a low dose helping with that. Thanks for replying, this is interesting. I thought is was just me and something that I would outgrow but it didnt seem to be getting any better. Now I just have to get the nerve to ask my dr. about it.

BindiCat 05-25-2011 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by peanut2 (Post 13651)
I have heard that anti depressants would lower your drive. I had never thought of or heard of a low dose helping with that. Thanks for replying, this is interesting. I thought is was just me and something that I would outgrow but it didnt seem to be getting any better. Now I just have to get the nerve to ask my dr. about it.

Yeah, most of them can kill it if you're taking a normal dose. That happened to me when I used to take them. But apparently for guys, if the dose is low enough, it just keeps them from cumming as fast, but doesn't affect their sex drive. I have no clue how it works, but it's proven itself for my fiance, atleast.

peanut2 05-25-2011 05:47 PM

Thanks for the great information Bindicat! Now to get up the nerve to ask my dr about it! lol

maturemaleinmo 06-22-2011 03:37 AM

Yep, use to cum really fast when I was younger. Now the problem is getting it hard. I can play for hours now though without cumming.

greatsayaman 06-22-2011 05:19 AM

Actually, I've yet to achieve orgasm without effort on my part (tensing my muscles I mean). It takes a while even doing that, but I can't even imagine cumming at all without it.

hoverfly 06-25-2011 10:57 AM

Hi Peanut, I know that problem from the past only too well. There are a number of things you could try...

The anti-depressant idea, personally, I would never go down that road. It has serious effects on the chemistry of your brains, which is why it would probably work but I found that smoking a joint has exactly the same effect and, despite it's public perception as an evil drug, it does not do you any kind of harm, apart from the smoking related aspect, unless you would honestly describe yourself as posessing an 'addictive personality', in which case you should stay well clear of any drugs of any coleur.

Lidocaine or other mumbing agents are obviously working but who wants to have sex with a penis that no longer feels the sensation of warmth, wetness and grip. Also, people become used to them in a psychological way and you may find that this will actually make things worse when you haven't got the product around.

There are a few books out there that actually do offer some decent advice, rather then the usual stuff you can find on forums and such. Have a look on Amazon or such for Mantak Chia's 'Any Man Can' I believe it is called. Not only does it offer advice but it also attempts to help you track down the reasons for your issue, very often anticipation of premature ejaculation is a big contributing factor to this happening.

Lastly and I do admit that this is not for everybody... If you are able to ejaculate multiple times, climax as early as you wish or have to the first time and keep going. The second ejaculation will happen a lot later and the third one even later then that. This was the road my wife and I went down a long time ago and it kept both of us happy, very happy. We've been married for more then 25 years now and with three or four climaxes for her, it sure has kept us happy and satisfied (well, to be honest, a couple of spliffs before we get going does help as well).

Right, just my two cents and I do apologise to any of you taking offence at me condoning the use of 'illicit' drugs but then, that is only an accident of history.

crossdresser_with_tiny_1 06-25-2011 02:15 PM

nothing has help me from stop cumming to quickly, oh well cumming is the best part and that means i can do it over and over many times, lol

crazy8 06-27-2011 03:34 PM

Excersising your pc muscles does indeed help you control how fast you cum.
I personally have found other ways. When me and my girl are having sex, and im ready to cum but she still didint, i try to think about stuff not related to sex. I know its hard, but for me it works. In most desperate times, i once in a while even think about gay stuff. That sometimes makes my go limp. In which case my girl just goes down on me and im back to where i started.

mikaelch 06-27-2011 09:37 PM

use cock ring so it is stiff cock without you masturbate you can keep your orgasms a little longer
masturbate almost until you come and stop intentionally so 10 times or more and finally came, some do this often it takes longer before you come

stickybob 08-23-2011 02:31 AM

This comes from a book and it works for me. The urge to ejaculate is strongest within a minute or so. If you get past that it settles down and builds over time. Differs by individual. So here's what I do. When I first start to feel the urge I back out and give my partner head. Of course, you 're dripping you pre-cum, but so be it. After I work my partner to her satisifaction I re-enter and go at it. By this time I have much more control. Try it. Don't do drugs!

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