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UKSmallGayGuy 10-12-2011 10:53 PM

Some cocks are growers and some are showers. I read that the growers tend to come quicker as just being hard is a totally different sensory experience the brain is not used to. The book said you have to train your brain to just get used to being hard. It said sleep naked, and during the day as many times as possible get hard and use a cock ring to stay hard but don't orgasm. I am a grower and I have never been able to stick with the plan to see if it works or not.

I agree with stickybob, I have a strong urge to come at the start when I first get hard. I have to be careful not to come straight away. But then during sex if I am getting close I just change position and that gives me a chance to cool down a bit. I guess I average at 20 mins. I am not sure if that is OK or still too quick? I hear on the TV and pop songs etc. you are supposed to last ALL NIGHT hour after hour.... I hope it is not true !

joey 10-16-2011 11:45 PM

I cum too quickly also.
I hate it.
One time I was so embarrassed but the woman I was with was so kind
and said she enjoyed it so much.
She really surprised me.
But still I hate cumming in less than 1 or 2 minutes.

hoverfly 10-17-2011 10:08 AM

@stickybob: The 'don't do drugs' is a bit of a sweeping statement. What did you do when you got up this morning? Have a cup of coffee? Maybe a cigarette? A glass of wine with your dinner last night? Maybe a beer to chill out in the evening?

Don't do drugs? It's all relative, isn't it? If you drink, you'd be a criminal in any muslim country. If you had a joint in southern India, the Czech Repulic, Portugal, Netherlands, etc. you are not.

The legality of anything is more a case of historical accident, rather then proven to be harmful. I've been smoking for 37 years now, I have two university degrees, I was, amongst other things chief legal advisor for two multinationals, being responsible for all the tax relevant legal advise, not really the makings of a drug addict wouldn't you agree?

I think you'd be surprised if tomorrow weed was made legal, just how many people you know and would have thought to be 'clean' to actually have a spliff in the evening.

And no, I would never urge anybody to do anything, it was a recommendation based on a tried and tested method, what anybody else makes of it is up to them.

nangatrad86 10-18-2011 07:09 PM

try to look for condoms that have special lubricants to make you last longer... i used this one condom... and boy.... it made me last a good 40mins!! that was a first for me....

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