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Old 10-10-2011, 09:50 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by boyishman2 View Post
I can muster only 4" erect but I have had a long , prolific and generally very satisfying sex life - a larger cock size can definitely be a bonus for a number of reasons but more important is your sexual skills - good foreplay, technique, longevity, quick recovery time and paying attention to what your partner likes (or dislikes) - a small cock perhaps has to try a bit harder to please but it is definitely do-able
Precisely, just what I and some others have been saying all along.

A guy with a large penis, especially with extra girth, does have the advantage of being able to produce more pressure inside her vagina by default. That being said, being smaller, you need to then find ways to basically mimic that girth by different penetration angles, etc. but THAT can also be what makes sex with a small guy interesting for a woman. It can and very often will be far more varied then just the straight forward thrusting that some do. It's all about coital alignment at the end of the day.

One drunk New Years eve at a couple of friends place my wife to her that I was the best lover she ever had. I felt quite honoured by that, so did all of my 4.5". LOL

And when it comes to handjobs or blowjobs a small penis I find is a great advantage. She can fondle my testicles with one hand, while having the whole shaft in the palm of her hand, right down to the base. Magical feeling, especially around the base she can massage the Cowpers glands, making my produce literally gallons of precum.

When she gives me a blowjob, her mouth won't hurt because of it being too big either and taking it in real deep is yet another bonus for my boner.

I don't thing I would exchange mine for a bigger one.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:04 AM   #32
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When I was much younger, I used to have the old premature ejaculation problem, now that used to make me feel somewhat inadequat but I knew just how much she was into foreplay, so by merely extending our foreplay for up to an hour, she would almost climax upon entering.

Massaging her head, especially with your fingertips is a good one to get most women going. Kissing and sucking her neck, sometimes pretty hard actually is a favourite of ours. Nibbling the ears gently and the skin just behind them, now that usually produces some wonderful moans.

Long, gentle stroking and massaging of the thick muscles along the spine, right down to just above her bum, while gently blowing hot air over the skin. It won't take long before your start to feel those tiny hairs stand on end on her back.

Massaging her bottom, kissing and stroking both inside and outside legs or kissing the back of her knees.

There are a million things you can do to get her blood flowing, even without ever touching her clit. Some women become so aroused, they will happily climax by merely having theie necks sucked and nibbled on. Believe me.
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Old 10-10-2011, 04:55 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by LilPoonStar View Post
I've known two women who had "textured" vaginas. It's easiest to notice when you put your finger in there. With most women it's perfectly smooth and seamless, but with these two their insides had ridges and folds that were very noticeable to the touch. I never thought about their impact to sex (since I generally play covered), but I can see how it could make a difference.
Yup, that's how mine is. I always thought that's how all vaginas were, but once I started having sex all the men told me that's not true. I'm still a bit skeptical.

Originally Posted by hoverfly View Post
There are a million things you can do to get her blood flowing, even without ever touching her clit. Some women become so aroused, they will happily climax by merely having theie necks sucked and nibbled on. Believe me.
And I love this so much. Everyone needs to listen to this guy; he knows what he's talking about.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:12 PM   #34
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That's great if you have someone to do it to. Seems unlikely that's going to happen for me and probably a couple of others around here.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:22 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by BindiCat View Post
Yup, that's how mine is. I always thought that's how all vaginas were, but once I started having sex all the men told me that's not true. I'm still a bit skeptical.
Well I've only known two women like that out of about 70 total... so it does seem pretty rare.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:33 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by LilPoonStar View Post
Well I've only known two women like that out of about 70 total... so it does seem pretty rare.
70? you've been with 70 women?

reading stuff like this makes me hate my life. I'll be glad when it's over.
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Old 10-10-2011, 10:52 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch View Post
70? you've been with 70 women?

reading stuff like this makes me hate my life. I'll be glad when it's over.
Adult Friend Finder, my man. Before that I used to score big by skimming Yahoo profiles. Basically if you found a woman whose yahoo profile had a picture, there was at least an 80% chance it was a MILF looking for a hook-up.

Yahoo completely fucked up their whole profile system several years ago, though. Now it's much more like Facebook, and much harder to find promising results. I've heard that you can find real women on Ashley Madison, too... in fact I know a couple of women who are on there, but I've never used the site personally. But it has been proven that a large number of the profiles there are fake and they generate fake messages to male users to trick them into getting premium accounts.

EDIT: It also probably helps that I have a very wide range of tastes. I like 'em big, small, short, tall, black, white, or brown, younger, older, etc... so long as the face is pretty and I can make her laugh, I'm game.
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Old 10-11-2011, 12:03 AM   #38
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It's nice to see guys scoring like regular sized guys. It's all on confidence Virgin4Inch. Also, youre in your golden years for random sex where women going care about size. Milfs/cougars are lonely if single. You can easily get 5 new woman a month or start a relationship if that's what your looking for.
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Old 10-11-2011, 12:25 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by tinydick4u View Post
I can still get the random girl but I chose not to because I am in a shitty,I mean serious relationship.
Haha, but that's exactly the reason I fool around! Different approaches to the same problem, I guess!

Originally Posted by Road View Post
It's all on confidence Virgin4Inch. Also, youre in your golden years for random sex where women going care about size. Milfs/cougars are lonely if single. You can easily get 5 new woman a month or start a relationship if that's what your looking for.
Yep, very much agree. In fact, your chances of pussy increase significantly if you ARE looking for a relationship instead of just NSA sex. (But then you just have to decide if one is enough.)
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Old 10-11-2011, 02:50 AM   #40
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If I was capable of meeting women (online or otherwise) and having sex with them then I would of done it long before now.
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