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RagnarV 01-18-2012 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 22440)
Samuel l. Newhouse Jr. is the CEO of Advance Publications, Inc.
Privately owned by Samuel "Si" Newhouse Jr. and his brother, Donald.
Charles H. Townsend is the CEO of Conde Nast Publications.

Agreed, there may possibly a woman at the helm of Vogue but I do not believe that policy descissions are made at the actual magazine itself. There is such undoubtedly such a thing as large scale top down influence on policy making and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK I believe has given adequat proof of that (ie. Murdoch and his cronies).

In the French mag "Marie Claire" which comes out every month there's always a very detailed rape in the true story section. A guy I know in the police told me once, whenever there's a rape trial, the public gallery is always packed with women who get a kick out of looking at the rapist.

RagnarV 01-18-2012 10:21 AM

3 Attachment(s)
A few tiny tits for those who are interested

Virgin4Inch 01-18-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 22440)
That is a rather sweeping statement that I can't fully agree with.

Allthough my ISP, as every morning, is unable to look up the IP addresses of half the Domains I am trying to access, giving me little more then a '... can't be found', so I can't verify too many publications at the momen, let's for the time being just look at Vogue for example.

Vogue (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at owned by Conde Nast (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at owned by Advance Publications, Inc. (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at and not a single woman in sight.

Samuel l. Newhouse Jr. is the CEO of Advance Publications, Inc.
Privately owned by Samuel "Si" Newhouse Jr. and his brother, Donald.
Charles H. Townsend is the CEO of Conde Nast Publications.

Agreed, there may possibly a woman at the helm of Vogue but I do not believe that policy descissions are made at the actual magazine itself. There is such undoubtedly such a thing as large scale top down influence on policy making and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK I believe has given adequat proof of that (ie. Murdoch and his cronies).

Do watch that 'Perfect Vagina' programme, it is very good and shows you at least some of the trick of the trade when it comes to making women 'suitable' for publication (such as photoshopping breasts, improving the looks of the vulva, yes, they apparently need improving and some hilariously disgusting comments by some interviewed men).

Unfortunately, as I said, I have no way of checking out all the mags there are, besides, I probably haven't heard of even 5% of them but the Mediaowners website is rather enlightening, though not surprising.

That's the publishers not the editors and people who compile the magazine.

Road 01-18-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by RagnarV (Post 22447)
A few tiny tits for those who are interested

I have no problem to those woman. They are each still beautiful, all though maybe boobs don't matter much because I am major ass guy. Even then a small ass wouldn't bother me.

Also, this is going off-topic. Should I ignore a woman with a big ass? Would there be too much meat on her for pleasure and penetration? Just something I wonder about.

hoverfly 01-18-2012 11:00 PM

@Virgin4Inch: As we in Britain in particular have recently learned, the policies are made at the top, rarely at editorial level.

I strongly suggest you watch that 'Perfect Vagina' doc. Interesting for more then just on reason.

In the meantime, let's agree to disagree, shall we? LOL

Virgin4Inch 01-19-2012 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 22457)
@Virgin4Inch: As we in Britain in particular have recently learned, the policies are made at the top, rarely at editorial level.

I strongly suggest you watch that 'Perfect Vagina' doc. Interesting for more then just on reason.

In the meantime, let's agree to disagree, shall we? LOL

I watched it a couple of weeks ago. Stupid. As bad as those docs by the guy with the small dick. Pointless.

Magazine content is rarely dictated by publishers. That would be like saying the publishers of Stephen Kings book dictate what he writes about.

The publishers front the money for printing and distribution. The editorial staff determine what goes into the magazine.

Road 01-19-2012 02:30 AM

How are his docs stupid and pointless? Its nice to see someone accept themselves, man or woman.

mrsstoutman 01-19-2012 02:58 AM

Well I actually like big boobs. Always have, it is perhaps my biggest weakness my whole life. My wife had C's when we married, then they went up to DD's when she was pregnant and nursing. Now that she is done with that part of our lives they have deflated to B's. But she is all natural and that what I like the best. I would not want any woman I care about to feel the need to surgically modify herself just to do wjat she thinks I want.

hoverfly 01-19-2012 10:09 AM

Couldn't agree more, Stoutman. Natural, somewhat deflated after the children or not, makes no odds to me, she is my wife and I love her just the way she is. I wouldn't want to fondle some highly unnatural looking and probably feeling, though I wouldn't know about that, breast. Nature's best.

Virgin4Inch 01-19-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 22463)
How are his docs stupid and pointless? Its nice to see someone accept themselves, man or woman.

Well at the end of the first doc it seemed as if he had "accepted himself" and yet he still felt the need to do the second one. You can accept yourself all you want but it doesn't change how women feel about it or change the way they treat guys in general about penis size.

I saw the second one first and I remember after watching it my thoughts were, if the object of this was to make men feel better about their size it didn't work on me. In the few scenes where they actually had women stating their preference they almost all had nothing good to say about small ones.

He had a group of women making clay models of their ideal penis and they all made big ones while making snide comments about small ones. The wife of the idiot who had the operation seems to think that 4 or 5 inches is "really small" and refused to marry a guy because his dick was too small. Then there's the women in the operating room who thought his perfectly normal penis was "on the small side".

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