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Old 07-07-2012, 08:31 PM   #1
Tiny Dick Wanna Be
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Default What do you find attractive in someone?

I'm over-thinking today and just wanted to hear what you all had to say. Theres more than penis size, right?
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Old 07-07-2012, 09:12 PM   #2
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Firstly, let me welcome you to the forum, enjoy your stay, you found one fine community.

Now, attractive, that could be a lot of things.

I just love a great sense of humour, preferrably the blacker type. Tolerance, now that is definitely that attracts me, as well as empathy and the willingness to give back to the community one lives in and being cultured is a must.

When it comes to physical attributes, I am a sucker for a women's eyes. You know the type that makes you feel like you could happily drown in them and the face of course. Let's face it, you are going to spend more time looking at her face then her fanny.

Let's get a little more sexy then. Legs, long, long, endlessly long legs and then some. A nice apple shaped bum, yes, I think that would be nice. Did I mention that I like long legs? LOL.

And when its 'knickers off' time? I get a real kick out of a vulva with protruding inner labia and if its shaved, all the better. Not being much of a breast man I'd be happy with a handful.

Not much to ask for is it. A woman with a slim body and an IQ of 150, artistic and cultured.

But most importantly I think are the attributes you can't put a tape measure on.

Oh, she must smell good, that may actually have been one of the deciding factors when it came to asking my wife to marry me. I've loved to smell her hair, neck and shoulders. I could simply roll in it.

Easy isn't it. LOL
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Old 07-07-2012, 09:39 PM   #3
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If the person I'm attracted to has a penis then I definitely came in the wrong door.

As far as what I'm attracted to in a woman, personality wise I would say I'm attracted to someone who is smart, fun loving, caring and ladylike.

Physically I like very feminine women. Small in stature, soft skin, pretty face (especially the eyes) and my favorite is long hair, long black hair. So far as what the breasts and pussy look like I don't really care that much as long as they're in the normal range. Nothing too unusual.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:40 PM   #4
Tiny Dick Wanna Be
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For me,it her Eyes
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Old 07-08-2012, 05:54 AM   #5
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I see personality get thrown around a lot when asking what one find attractive in a person. What is that exactly, like what does a good personality consist of?
"If you let it get to you, you will be opening a door of self loathing, despair, and hatred. Look beyond and accept. It will do more to develop your self-acceptance than nearly anything else. We all must learn the lesson of accepting ourselves. If we don't accept ourselves, for what we are, then how can we expect anyone else to accept us?"
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Old 07-08-2012, 01:40 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Road View Post
I see personality get thrown around a lot when asking what one find attractive in a person. What is that exactly, like what does a good personality consist of?
I would of thought that was pretty obvious. Personality is everything about a person that is not physical.

PIP gave us a perfect example when she said she's attracted to a man who likes children and is good around them. That is a part of his personality. Women don't like guys who cheat or lie or abuse them. These are all personality traits.

Say you go into a bar and there is one woman who is obviously drunk on the dance floor being loud and flirting with guys, grabbing their asses and having a good time and another woman who is sitting quietly at the bar alone, keeping to herself. These are women with two entirely different personalities. Which one would you be more attracted to?

What makes a "good" personality is entirely up to you. Surely when you look at women you see more in them than just the way they look? There must be something about them that attracts you to them. The way the live their life, their sense of humor, the kinds of friends they have, how they treat or interact with their family or even strangers. There are so many personality traits we assess the opposite sex by.

Last edited by Virgin4Inch; 07-08-2012 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 07-08-2012, 08:52 AM   #7
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Looks like eyes are about to make the race, ey?

@PaintItPretty: Sorry my dear, apart from me being taken, I would have to cheat and buy myself a pair of brown contact lenses first. Mind you, I recently grew a beard again and found that to be greying enourmously, in fact, it is more white then grey, while the hair on my head remains the same colour.

Children are the greatest invention ever. Not only are they our very own way to immortality but also teaching them to be inquisitive and want to learn about life, the universe and everything must be the single most rewarding experience anybody can ever make.

I've never tried to 'steer' our daugthers towards anything that I might be interested in but rather took all the time required to play along with the various stages of inquisitiveness. Something that seems to have done the trick I think. Our youngest is still the single most inquisitive person I have met in a long time and her older sister, allthough much of her life is taken up by looking after her three sons is almost always ready to jump onto their bandwaggon, though there are of course times when she is plain tired and wants them to get on with it themselves.

@Road: I don't know, maybe it is someone that 'makes you complete', such as in the saying that 'opposites attract'.

In any case, I believe this might prove to be something quite different to each and everyone of us, with the exeption of some underlying principles that we may or may not be able to generally agree upon.

For more I'll be passing the torch, so to speak, to the next poster.
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