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Old 05-11-2013, 09:30 AM   #1
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Default An interesting topic for discussion.

I think it would be an interesting topic to discuss and share, if you have a spouse or partner, what they really think and say and how they feel about your size.

Not just the usual statements we all say.

Please share.
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Old 05-11-2013, 09:34 AM   #2
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I'll start. Married here and yes she and I both do ask if its in. She also uses the it's cute line as well, but to be honest, she hates it. It's too small for her, so she has me, wear strap ones and extensions, use dildos, or give her oral pleasure. It's not for all, but it works for us.

Anyone want to share?
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Old 05-12-2013, 01:43 AM   #3
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My wife loves receiving oral and I love giving it. To help push her to climax I also stroke her anal opening (well washed by her juices) with my finger, maybe with very slight insertion. When her back arches far enough, my tongue can reach her anus.
There is no need for my dick to 'perform'. It just precums and has interim ejaculations while my head is buried between her legs. Once she has cum often enough, she offers me choice of pussy or anus so that I can finish (that is, if there's anything left).
So, I'm lucky in the sense that size is not a relationship disadvantage. My only regret on size is that I will never know what it's like when penis and cervix meet (though I believe women aren't too keen on that, anyway).
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Old 05-12-2013, 07:46 AM   #4
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I am pretty sure we had this topic before but never mind, even I can't remember where it went in the depth of the forum, so here it goes...

We've been married nearly 30 years now and the 'Am I big enough?' question was raised only once, of course by silly me and my back then inferiority about my penis size. We used to watch lots of porn back than, mostly the rather stylish Marc Dorcel videos from the early 80s (what a difference to todays cheap and (not) cheerful productions.

Be that as it may, at some time I asked if she felt my penis was big enough and the only thing she mentioned was that she'd like a little extra girth and the issue was never mentioned again.

What made this all the more a silly question is the fact that my wife has always been hugely multi-orgasmic. 4-5 times she'd climax anyday and that beginning within less than a minute. Clear proof that I should have put my brain into gear beforehand, I guess but what doesn't one do all in the pursuit of satisfaction for ones inferiority complex because that I guess was all it was.

Don't ask me what the girth might be, I have no idea. It is what it is, period.

I guess I just got very lucky with my wife. She has the strongest PC muscles I have ever encountered with any woman and once I'd discovered that she was ever so responsive to stimulation of the g-spot, something that she had no idea existed, I (no we) had it made.

Anyway, as I said, asking her in the first place was about as silly as it gets really. A woman that just climaxed 5 times in a row should be living proof that whatever it is, it was good enough, lack of girth or not.

As far as length is concerned, this has never been an issue. I am well below 5", probably around 4.5", yet in certain positions and during certain periods of her monthly cycle, I'd occassionally hit her cervix, something she'd always withdraw from anyway.

Always remember, the most sensitive part of the vagina is the first 3", which means that you can hit all the right spots easily. As far as girth goes, this is something that also not the most important at the end of the day seeing that women can train their pc muscle to achieve a firmer grip, plus of course, if you can make a woman climax with a single finger, even a slim penis will do the trick but it may require at least some muscle training with some women. It also has one major benefit to a women too, a strong pc muscle group can enhance not only the coital experience but also aid women that have problems reaching climax from intercourse alone to do so more readily.

Now, if that isn't a win-win situation I don't know what is.
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Old 05-12-2013, 06:21 PM   #5
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Been with my girlfriend for going on 2 years now, I think this one's a keeper. She knows I am on the small side and she thinks it's cute, she even does small penis teasing (spt) which is a term i made up, it's like sph, but not mean and done out of love. She likes my little guy and 90% of the time all we need in bed are each other, every once in a while she wants a bit more, and we have toys for that. Overall things are pretty good
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:14 AM   #6
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Women have always told me that girth is more important than length. I had a friend called "Stubby" for good reason, but he had generous diameter... and, more women fawning over him than anyone I've ever known. He admitted that women laughed when they heard his nickname because they all loved how he helped them feel. And, my wife likes me to pull out (I'm admittedly a small fan, but not small myself) so that I'm stimulating her as if I were half my length. She cums repeatedly in the process. For most, donkey length is not necessary, nor wanted in many instances. Donkey diameter... well, many will take that over length EVERY time.
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:23 AM   #7
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Slipper, truer words were rarely spoken.
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:54 AM   #8
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So Slipper, why was your friend good with women? Im sure he was good looking right? Or do nice guys finish first in today's world?
"If you let it get to you, you will be opening a door of self loathing, despair, and hatred. Look beyond and accept. It will do more to develop your self-acceptance than nearly anything else. We all must learn the lesson of accepting ourselves. If we don't accept ourselves, for what we are, then how can we expect anyone else to accept us?"
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Old 06-13-2013, 03:54 AM   #9
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Yes, well put, small dik. This would be in keeping with him from my experiences seeing him in other situations.

Road, no he was not particularly good looking (I never heard anyone say he was, nor would I have labeled him so) BUT he was outgoing, witty, self-effacing, and always complimentary toward others. No surprises there, in terms of his success with women and friendships with men, imho.
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Old 06-17-2013, 02:59 AM   #10
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Size has never been an issue with my wife even though I am only 4 1/2 to 5 inches when hard. She is pretty small herself, so maybe we're just a good fit for each other. She is able to cum pretty easily and does so at least once whenever we have sex. Although I love to give oral sex, she doesn't like it but her clit is very sensitive and her G spot is only a half inch or so inside the anterior vagina, so I can get her really lubricated before I get in. This also helps me last a little longer. With her G spot located where it is, it means for us is that when whoever is on top rides low, my dick rubs along her G spot so size doesn't really matter.

Having said that, I will admit that in the past I've had a FB's who was of rather generous proportion and had a rather large vaginas. Although she never complained about my size (probably because she just loved sex) it was clear to me that unless I was on top with her legs over my shoulders she couldn't get much stimulation. At any rate, that's in the past and I can say that my size has never been much of an issue.
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