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Old 07-07-2011, 02:59 PM   #11
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It's not that I don't experience it, it's that even if I did, I'd not really care. The person doing it is nothing to me. It'd only really hurt if it was someone close to me, and all my friends whom I've told are quite supportive saying the old "it's not the size but how you use it, women only feel about 3.5 inches inside so you're good," etc.

And I trust my girl with my life. That's just how I am, when I find a girl I won't date her 'til I know I can trust her that fully. She won't betray me, and I'm lucky I met her. ^^

But yeah, I do understand that some people feel humiliated... but if this person is just a random stranger at the toilet, or just an asshole in the changing room, should it really bother you?

Being insulted for having a small dick is no different than being insulted 'cause you're fat, or ginger, or whatever. And I'm both. :P I don't let any insults get me down 'cause in the end, what they think doesn't matter at all, does it?
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Old 07-07-2011, 06:30 PM   #12
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i probably would have made more of my life i was badly bullied at school over my dick size as well as other issues and because of that i failed most of my exams and ened up working in dead end jobs instead of doing what i wanted to do which was counselling
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:27 PM   #13
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If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people can be dicks. If they're going to tease or bully you, or put you down in any way, they're going to do it no matter what you do or don't have going on. It's not just because you have a small penis, or because I'm highly sensitive, or anything else. They're just looking for shit, and if that stuff wasn't going on, they'd just find something else to tease us about.
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Old 07-07-2011, 07:52 PM   #14
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Exactly as Bindi said. There's no point taking any interest in what they say. It means nothing.

Easy way to look at it... who decides what's desirable? "Big dicks, big tits, big asses." "The bigger the better."

Uhh... who said that was true? No one. It just kinda happened that word spread and people decided that was what a hot person looks like. Bodies are just shells we inhabit, determined majorly by genetic factors we can't control, and even the factors we can control can be hard to, psychologically. In the end all we are... that which makes us people isn't physical, so why should physical looks matter? If anyone believes that they do, then they're just pathetic, and laughable.
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:53 PM   #15
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so why should physical looks matter? If anyone believes that they do, then they're just pathetic, and laughable.
Ok pal, now your just pretty much insulting a majority population of men.
And throughout history, an image of a beautiful woman has never changed. While i agree that media goes over board, they did not create this image. A girl who is concidered beautiful now, would be concidered beautiful 300 years ago.
But i get what your saying. You just generally do not care about what society thinks, you float on your own, and it makes you a happy man. Once again, more power to you my friend. While i will not judge you, i will have to disagree.
I do not put great emphasis on what others think of me. But that does not mean i can tolerate being humiliated over one thing i have no control over. But i want different things out of life than you do. Unfortunately many of these things are very hard to do because of being small.
I just do not see why you cant understand that no every one wants to be like you.
And you are telling me that just because im attracted to women who are concidered hot, than im pathetic, and laughable? I think its easier to just agree to disagree. No one is calling your way of life laughable and pothetic.
Ps, i recall seeing somewhere that you are into sph. Well, that means we are on two separate planets, and in no shape or form can we come to an agreement on most of these topics.
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:59 PM   #16
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If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people can be dicks. If they're going to tease or bully you, or put you down in any way, they're going to do it no matter what you do or don't have going on. It's not just because you have a small penis, or because I'm highly sensitive, or anything else. They're just looking for shit, and if that stuff wasn't going on, they'd just find something else to tease us about.
But a small penis is probably the most sensitive subject you can poke fun at.
Do you think that being made fun of because of your funny last name, or color of your hair is the same as being made fun of because you are small?
Ask guys on this site who have been bullied, im sure that they will tell you that they would rather be made fun of for anything else, except for being small.
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:40 PM   #17
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Not because you are, but you won't insult other people who are attracted to other types of people.

Sorry, really tired so may not make much sense but yeah.

Also, there was a study done, and men who prefer big-breasted women tend to be more sexually attached to their mothers, or something. Some sort of Freudean thing. I really can't recall much of it at the moment though.

I really, REALLY don't see why people let bullying get to them so much, though. :S Even when I was younger and I DID care what people thought, I'd maybe get sad or want to cry for a bit, but after a few minutes I'd be fine and ready to continue what I was doing. And I haven't been that way for 5-10 years.
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Old 07-07-2011, 09:56 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by crazy8 View Post
And throughout history, an image of a beautiful woman has never changed. While i agree that media goes over board, they did not create this image. A girl who is concidered beautiful now, would be concidered beautiful 300 years ago.
You should check your facts before stating such a thing. This is completely false. The image of beauty has changed often thru both times and cultures. I won't get into a dissertation here but I'll at least mention as example that during the Renaissance, 1400s to early 1600s, what we consider today obese women were back then considered the quintessence of beauty. The fattier they were, the sexier they were considered.

Man's perception of beauty has also changed. Back in antic Greece, smaller genitals were considered more appealing.

If you don't believe these, do some research. And please inform yourself next time before posting a false statement like this.
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Old 07-08-2011, 04:06 AM   #19
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It is time for me to jump into this conversation.

My wife and I have been married for over 50 years. We met while we were in the sixth grade, dated all through high school and married as verging. It even took awhile to get sex working. We lived a sheltered life in a rural community. Sex was the last thing on our minds. From my side, I was teased a lot in high school. I was called: " little dick the bug raper". I seemed to constantly get erections that were embarrassing. Since my dick was small, it would make an obvious peak in my pants. Showering during gym class was difficult due to my size and erections.

I was still embarrassed while going through basic training and tech schools, in the Air Force, afterwards. During this time I was married and produced three daughters. I got clipped since it was easy to get my wife PG.

My wife has never said anything about my size. I just wished it was longer!

Now, age has caused it's problems. I worry more about size each day. I feel fortunate to find this site. It assumes the old adage that "I don't have a problem, they do"! I still am concerned about my size.

However, I have never changed my routines, or life, due to my size; I hurt, but I do not let it control my life. The positive side is that I shied away from sex, so I did not have the problems reported here. This is said to enforce those who told you to not let size control your life. You did well!

Bandi, I do appreciate your comments from a women's point of view. You rock gal! I hope your personal life is better and finances are under control. Having two sisters, three daughters, one wife and even a female dog, my life is surrounded by women! That's all, I gave you my story. Oh yes, If I sit down to pee, I will find that I am hitting the area between the seat and porcelain. Therefore, I try to stand, leaning toward the wall to be safe. Bye!
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Old 07-08-2011, 05:22 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by jobleau View Post
You should check your facts before stating such a thing. This is completely false. The image of beauty has changed often thru both times and cultures. I won't get into a dissertation here but I'll at least mention as example that during the Renaissance, 1400s to early 1600s, what we consider today obese women were back then considered the quintessence of beauty. The fattier they were, the sexier they were considered.

Man's perception of beauty has also changed. Back in antic Greece, smaller genitals were considered more appealing.

If you don't believe these, do some research. And please inform yourself next time before posting a false statement like this.
When and why did you think things changed?
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