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Old 10-11-2011, 06:14 PM   #1
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Once again, excellent post. If you weren't married and I wasn't engaged, I would totally let you work your magic.

The only thing out of all of this that I can say doesn't always work for me specifically is the leg stuff. Not because I don't like to have my legs messed with, though. When it works out, it's wonderful. But I have restless leg syndrome, so it varies each day whether or not they can handle being touched. But I have found that if it's one of those days where light touches set my legs off, firmer touches are usually ok. But some days I can't handle any contact at all.
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Old 10-11-2011, 10:18 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by BindiCat View Post

I have restless leg syndrome, so it varies each day whether or not they can handle being touched. But I have found that if it's one of those days where light touches set my legs off, firmer touches are usually ok. But some days I can't handle any contact at all.
I reckon. I have it too. This is a sad condition that can be real painful at times and pretty much uncomfortable most of the time. And I have yet to find some way to get relief as I don't have a family doctor.
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Old 10-12-2011, 11:14 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by BindiCat View Post
Once again, excellent post. If you weren't married and I wasn't engaged, I would totally let you work your magic.

The only thing out of all of this that I can say doesn't always work for me specifically is the leg stuff. Not because I don't like to have my legs messed with, though. When it works out, it's wonderful. But I have restless leg syndrome, so it varies each day whether or not they can handle being touched. But I have found that if it's one of those days where light touches set my legs off, firmer touches are usually ok. But some days I can't handle any contact at all.
BindiCat, thank you for your kind words. And yes, I guess it is best all left the way it is. My wife is a Leo and she's got sharp claws. LOL

Oh, by the way, here's one for the ladies that writing this just came to mind. Try clawing your partners back during one of those passionate moments. Who knows, you may find he just loves that, I do, despite the blood it does draw from time to time.

Back to your reply. Restless Legs Syndrome, another little ailment that has befallen my wife following a car accident in Kenya where she drove cross country in a silly attempt to save time and then crashing the saloon, rolling it over several times and spending month in hospital in Nairobi where they did their best to patch everything up again. Which mostly they managed but some damage to the spinal column has remained.

She used to take a medication called Restex, generic name in Germany, so won't be much help to you but on Wikipedia you can find information about the active ingredient levodopa, a constituent also used the treatment of Parkinsson's Disease.

Restless legs syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe this helps. My wife found it to be bad on her stomach which is why she stopped taking it. Now living in the UK, the Hospital here started treating her for her spinal pains with Lyrica, active ingredient Pregabalin, which is normally prescribed for neurological pain but she found it had an even better effect then the actual RLS medication she was originally prescribed. Again, there is reasonably good information to be had on Wikipedia.

Pregabalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is on 150mg twice a day, morning and early evening and it has greatly improved her RLS issue. Just be aware that it does have the reputation to make you gain weight, not with my wife though and she would have loved to.

The only other alternative the hospital gave her, even in writing, was 'smoke cannabis'. Well, we didn't need that bit of advice, we do anyway. Biggest problem here is that you can get Sativex, a D9-THC based medication, one of the active ingredients in cannabis, but nobody is willing to write the prescription thereby forcing me to buy from some dealer, all costs are on me, plus the risk of getting busted. Makes you wonder what on Gods green Earth you are paying your National Insurance contributions for.

Anyway, hope that might help in some small way.
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Last edited by hoverfly; 06-20-2013 at 06:52 PM.
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