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But I guess you are right. He is marketing himself and it seems to work quite well, at least in the USA now that his popularity seems to be waning a little in the UK, at least that is my perception but again, I may be mistaken there. The same pretty much applies to shows like 'The Apprentice' where some smartass punk with tons of money treats people like s..t. Boy, I am a very laid back person but you talk to me like that and I'd swear blind, you would regret that. Well, moving to the UK, my wife and I did just that some 4 years ago to retire, not all is gold that glitters and the grass is always greener on the other side, just bear that in mind. Of course I love Britain and Britons but I also have a lot of issues with the country and its population, as I have had with any country that I have ever lived in and that's a few. Britons have little or no concept of environmental issues. Now that really gets my bloodpressure up. You walk down our High Street and you'd swear blind you are on a landfill site, it is that filthy. People leave a tobacconist shop with a litter bin outside the front door, yet still, they will almost inevitably throw the wrapper in the street. Why? The flower beds, lovingly arranged by the council gardeners literally flaunt every sweet wrapper there is to be found in Britain. Again, why? This is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever lived in, the diversity of landscapes, the incredible multicultural population, walking through our town you fee like you are visiting the UN headquarters, that many different languages spoken. Wonderful in my opinion. Also, Britain lying pretty much in a due north-south direction, it means that the southern tip has a climate like the south of France, almost mediterranean, while the islands in the far north are all but touching the polar circle. I just love this diversity and more so because we have the time and leisure to go out long distance walking in summer and autumn which gives us a true appreciation of all the different landscapes' beauty. Last year we embarked on the first leg of our attempt to circumwalk Britain. If I remember right, we walked for about 11 weeks in one go. From the Thames Estuary to The Wash at the Norfolk and Lincolnshire border. Probably only about 200 miles as the crow flies but since we tend to stick close to the coast, veering off inland as and when tempted or in search of some place we really want to visit, we more likely clocked up some 5-600 miles or thereabouts. And the natives are truly friendly, that's for sure. The number of times we were asked to stay at a house or on a farm by what were basically complete strangers was wonderful. Britons do like people with an appreciation for their country and of that we have a lot. Only our cats don't like us doing this. After all, 11 weeks is a long time and it is a huge effort to find someone willing to live-in for such a lengthy periods of time. Still, it is worth it. Hopefully, sometime in July we'll catch a train up to Kings Lynn, located at The Wash and continue from there. Not sure how far we are going to make it this years, it all depends but we don't feel pressured into achieving anything, apart from having a great time again. Also a great way to strike up long lasting friendships. Yep, deeply in love I guess. LOL Yes, you could say I love my chosen home, well, we both do. If you ever decide to visit the UK, hit me up but make sure you bring some good sturdy walking boots. I've exchanged my Merc for three pairs of those and two bycicles, so wherever I need to go... it's walking or cycling and the occassional use of public transport, which, allthough never on time, is pretty good, there are few places you can't get a train or bus to. |
Love Doctor Who? Then check this out...
For security reasons I've put the text file inside a password protected rar file and uploaded it to my Rapidshare account. The file does NOT contain any videos but only a text file with all the links you could ever ask for. The rar file is 8.91 KB in size, takes only 5 seconds to download and I will email the password to any interested members. The reason for the password and the RS upload is the fact the google is busy indexing these pages and I don't want all my links to be killed. Doctor Who |
I should point out re: End of World type stuff, that I don't mean to include our Evangelical nonsense since it's just too preposterous for words. I'm intrigued by anything that seems to defy chance - and, since chance rules supreme it's not easy to defy it. Specifically, only one book from the Mayan (let's call it encyclopedia) has survived; and this one surviving book just happens to be the very one detailing all this End of World prophecy - almost too much of a coincidence if, in fact, it's been correctly interpreted, which it couldn't possibly have been without the wider of context provided by all the Mayan books. Also, it boggles the mind that a culture which supposedly believed a blood sacrifice was needed to insure the sun's rising next morning gets credited with being the world's supreme astronomers! (Though I'm sure the weaving of sacrifice into the astronomy came from socio-political machinations rather than faulty science.)
Ok Mark, point taken. Though as I probably did point out, further research apparently did suggest this to be less of an end of the world doomsaying as an end to a calendar cycle but be that as it may.
With reference to the blood sacrifice, that was quite common in both Britain and Germany too, from the early neolithic to late iron age. Recent discoveries made with the aid of the British Museum has uncovered a great deal of evidence of our early ancestors resorting to human sacrifice in times of drought, famine and at the occurrence of celestial phenomena such as comets appearing in the sky. Faulty science, as you refer to it is after all only faulty by modern standards, more or less since what is referred to as the age of enlightenment and some factions (with growing numbers I believe) appear quite inclined to turn the clocks back a few centuries even as I write this. We both mentioned certain doomsday theories, be they from evangelical Christians or other people with a rather odd outlook on the world. Oh, well, would love to chat but I must be on my way, need some changes made to our bank account (the bastards recently decided that I can now only withdraw money from THEIR cash machines or the Post Office, at least free of charge, by Jove, are they in for a surprise today.). Let's go banker bashing. LOL I think I am rather going to enjoy this appointment. |
It started off so well and then died the way most non-sexual topics do here.
So, let's bump this one up to the top again. Hope you don't mind TD. |
Breaking bad is the greatest thing to ever come on tv. Anyone who heasent seen it i strongly suggest you do.
I want to get into Breaking Bad. Big fan of the American The Office. A friend of mine recommend I watch Portlandia for comedy.
May I again request you post an IMDB link, makes it much easier for the rest of us trying to find out more about the programme of your choice, especially where programmes have the same name.
Anyway, for anybody interested, here are the IMDB links for Breaking Bad ((2008-...) The Office (2005-...) Portlandia (2011) Apart from 'The Office' I'd not heard of any of them but I must admit the IMDB ratings are very high, which is unsual from soaps or whatever category those may fall into. I only ever watched on part of The Office, despite that someone once gave me a whole box DVD set (god knows why they did it). Guess just not my cup of tea really. Breaking Bad, now that sounds interesting and I am sure it is available on a lot of forums, so I might grab a part and see what it's all about (beyond the IMDB synopsis). Portlandia didn't sound like I might be too interested but that doesn't really mean anything. It is usually the number of hours the makers want you to get stuck in front of the TV that puts me off. 62 episodes by the end of this year, not so sure about this. Also, the guy has/had terminal cancer, I would have expected this to come to a rather quick end, so having it go on for five years sounds a bit weird. Wasn't quite to terminal then, was it (unless he died along the way). Still, thanks for your input guys. Only goes to show that there is more to life then just playing with yourself. LOL |
You ever catch Stargate Hover? I would that all the time when I was a kid.
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