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crazy8 05-14-2012 01:53 PM


Breaking Bad, now that sounds interesting and I am sure it is available on a lot of forums, so I might grab a part and see what it's all about (beyond the IMDB synopsis).
You wont regret it. You can watch it for free on
or jyst google it a bounch if sites have it

hoverfly 05-15-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 25283)
You ever catch Stargate Hover? I would that all the time when I was a kid.

Jeez, you remember watching that as a kid? I remember watching 'Thunderbirds' as a kid. LOL. Am I really that old? (shut up Jo, no need to comment).

I've watched the movie, which was fun a bit silly but good fun. As for the series, yes, I did watch a few episodes but to be honest, I didn't like the actors being different from the movie and those that I did see unfortunately failed to impress me much but that goes for most series' in general. There are very few series that I do watch, the old Doctor Who, as well as the new seasons and Red Dwarf being the most notable amongst them.

That being said, someone pointed out Breaking Bad here, so I've downloaded the first season of that yesterday. Kind of sounds intriguing but I have to watch it as yet.

hoverfly 05-15-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 25290)
You wont regret it. You can watch it for free on
or jyst google it a bounch if sites have it

Thanks for that again, Crazy. As I said in the previous post, downloaded season 1 yesterday, so I might get a chance watching the pilot tonight with the wife having gone to Germany today.

I'll let you know how I get on with it.

jobleau 05-15-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 25306)
Jeez, you remember watching that as a kid? I remember watching 'Thunderbirds' as a kid. LOL. Am I really that old? (shut up Jo, no need to comment).

Darn, I used to watch them too as a kid. :D

Road 05-15-2012 05:33 PM

Haha guess I am young.

hoverfly 05-16-2012 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 25314)
Haha guess I am young.

That'll change soon enough. :D

But you'll be alright, just stay young at heart.

crazy8 05-16-2012 05:33 PM

So whats up Hoverfly, did you get a chance to watch breaking bad?

MarkBld 05-16-2012 10:25 PM

Hoverfly, I'm glad to see you mentioned Red Dwarf. Though I generally detest sit-com (and I guess that's the genre here), I absolutely adore Red Dwarf. Greatest show ever! Now if I could wax "bi-" for a bit, I think Craig Charles (Dave Lister) is The Sexiest Man Alive. At least, as he was in the 90's. There was another thread somewhere about what people find sexy - well, I find him much sexier than these square-jawed, 6-pack abs, rippling pecs leading men. He just exudes sexuality without even trying. (Am I going a bit overboard here? lol)

hoverfly 05-17-2012 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 25331)
So whats up Hoverfly, did you get a chance to watch breaking bad?

I finally did yesterday but I have to make a confession, I fell asleep. Don't get me wrong, had nothing to do with the pilot but I find TV is the single worst sleeping pill ever. Put the telly on, put me in front of it and watch me fall asleep. 100% success rate. LOL.

I did get to about half way I believe and it seemed ok, though I will have to watch at least part of it again and then some to make up my mind.

It did not strike the chord I had anticipated though. Don't know why but I downloaded the whole first season, so I will sit through it regardless. Some things just require warming to.

I'll keep you posted.

hoverfly 05-17-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by MarkBld (Post 25339)
Hoverfly, I'm glad to see you mentioned Red Dwarf. Though I generally detest sit-com (and I guess that's the genre here), I absolutely adore Red Dwarf. Greatest show ever! Now if I could wax "bi-" for a bit, I think Craig Charles (Dave Lister) is The Sexiest Man Alive. At least, as he was in the 90's. There was another thread somewhere about what people find sexy - well, I find him much sexier than these square-jawed, 6-pack abs, rippling pecs leading men. He just exudes sexuality without even trying. (Am I going a bit overboard here? lol)

Nothing to apologise about, we're adults here (I hope, LOL).

I've never looked at Charles Craig or anybody else not female from that point of view and to be honest, I have little concept of what makes a guy attractive. My wife tells me David Tennant is and so is Ronnie O'Sullivan's bum, well there you go. Thank goodness those are most likely unattainable goals.

Same here with regards to sitcoms. They just bore me stiff and I do try and avoid them like the plague. If a TV programme requires me to sit and watch it every day or week, usually not for me, with the exceptions of Doctor Who and Red Dwarf but that goes without saying. LOL

With 'in the nineties' you must be referring to the 7-10th season. Yes, I guess they still looked alright then. I've seen screens of the new season to start in October here in the UK and like the rest of us... well, they didn't get any younger. We shall see if they can still pull this off.

By accident I watched part of a 6 part BBC crime series from 2011 earlier this week. 'Death in Paradise' and lo and behold the Cat, Danny John-Jules was in that as some cop in the Carribean. Jesus, I hardly recognised him.

Again, will be interesting to see the new season, filmed again as the first seasons, in front of a live audience.

Oh, this was about sexy, wasn't it? I liked the later Kochanski, played by Chloe Annett a lot. Gorgeous woman. Oh, Sophie Winkleman as Katerina in season 9, you may recall the buxom lady with the fake russian accent. I thought she was a stunner too.

Just another lecherous old man here. :D

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