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hoverfly 06-19-2012 10:52 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Two more that I wanted to share...

jobleau 06-19-2012 11:42 AM

Pussy porn! :D Now that's different for this site!

hoverfly 06-19-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 26030)
Pussy porn! :D Now that's different for this site!

My favourite hairy pussies you might say. :D

hoverfly 06-19-2012 12:31 PM

Mark, I am pleased to hear that and I'll promiss you, you won't regret it. We never did.

As for American television audiences, I do like to tread lightly on that subject, I know too many Americans that get rather upset if you tell them in not so many words that basically they might be considered a little uneducated in some cases.

Like when my daughter did her High School degree in LA and someone asked her if Germany was still a suburb of Moscow and how Hitler was doing. Phew, how to deal with a bright question like that from an 18 year old?

No, you are right, too much nannying going on, which can be a bit of a problem in the UK too, only that when it comes to documentaries, Brits tend to be more on the ball, allthough I have as yet to see one where you will actually get to see a lion making the kill and eating it. I my opinion this is totally wrong. Yes, children need protecting but not necessarily from all of the real world. I recently had the displeasure of having to sit through 'African Cats' a US doc about, well, African cats. What a stupid and dumbed down programme that was. All the lions and cheetahs were given human names. Sorry, they are wild animals, these don't come up to you for a cuddle and if they do, you'd better have a ranger with you that's a sure shot, unless you want to end up on their dinner table.

All a bit Disney in the end.

Thank goodness we don't have cable here yet. I've seen what others get and for the pleasure of paying up to 50GBP a month, that's a definitive 'thanks, but no thanks' from me. We have what in the UK is called Freeview. All the BBC channels, ITV one to god know what, plus a host of others. Worst of the lot is '5' and its offspring. Must have US origins, at least 60% of their mindless drivel is CSI, NCIS, Law and Order... the list is endless, plus that fat old fart Steven Segal. How on earth do they still manage to squeeze him into the black suit?

Oh, Man v. Food, now that probably explains a lot about American obesity. When someone goes out to stuff himself to the point of being sick and then gets posted as the great role model... Yep, I think I've seen it all now.

I have considered getting this Netflix service but I was somewhat disappointed that I can't see what the whole offer is unless I actually do sign up first. That is something I highly disagree with. First you show me what you've got, then I'll think about joining, not the other way round, probably in the hope that I will either forget or just keep it anyway.

As for Michael Moore, who over the years lost a lot of his followers and fans in Europe, I too am a little unsure. His doc Sicko was not too concerned with the truth in places, as for Bowling for Columbine, I lack the background knowledge to judge him on that one.

Gasland, that's a new one to me, though I have heard of the coal tar project from friends in Canada, some of whom violently oppose the scheme but again, I am not sure how far this has progressed or whether or not it may even have been shelved for the time being (until fuel is even more expensive and resitance dwindles).

Food Inc, now that sound intriguing and I will see if I can find it somewhere. I doubt that it'll surprise me in any way. As I mentioned at some point, I used to own/run an organic greengrocers and delicatessen. The things you learn about food in the process... some of the more unsavoury things that make their way into our food are tough to stomach.

Fancy a nice Frankfurter made from MRM? Mechanically recovered meat. Slurry to you and me. :D. The manufacturers of the machines do their best to keep any videos of the process off the web. Tasty, I tell you, very tasty. Seen one of the machines in action in Germany during a food manufacturers fair in Cologne. Best thing I can say about it is... It has to be seen to be believed.

But back to the old TV. I am rather pleased with my country of residence. I my opinion the BBC is the best broadcaster in the world and I have seen a few. The BBC has an awful lot to be grateful for to David Attenborough, who back in the 60s was head of the doc department, pretty much shaping its future. One thing for sure, there can never be another one like him. He has done more for UK TV then anybody else I know, so Hail Sir David.

Let me know how you got on with the 'Following'.

crazy8 06-19-2012 01:17 PM

Hey Hover, so you didint like breakign bad? Wow, truly the first person i ever come across to not like it. Ehhh, not gona try and change your mind as i do not get paid by AMC to advertise the show :). All ill say is that there is a reason why the show is sweeping the awards ceremonies year after year.

hoverfly 06-19-2012 03:58 PM

Crazy, no doubt there are millions and millions watching and loving it. I don't really know why, it kind of failed to grow on me. Maybe the rather slow start, it did take some time to get going and I might have lost interest before that.

As for the awards, be that as it may. Titanic got all those and more and still in my books it must rank as one of the worst movies ever.

I still have all parts on disc, maybe at a later stage I'll try again but no promisses.

At the end of the day, I am very much biased towards documentaries, well those covering subjects I am interested in.

hoverfly 06-19-2012 04:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
While we are on the subject of documentaries, there is one that I'll just have to share with you. It is about urban wildlife in London and I'd say, not only London but rather any town and city across Britain. We live in the far East of England, beyond our house there is little else but the North Sea and still, we have parakeets nesting and living here all year round, foxes, badgers and all creatures great and small visit out backgarden, roam the streets at dusk and dawn and it is simply wonderful.

Since the subject matter is very British at heart, it is unfortunately highly unlikely to be shown anywhere else in the world, which is a shame, it would give people a new perspective on Britain and on how wildlife deals with our modern world.

Whereas in most countries people view wildlife disappearing from its formerly natural habitat as something regretable and terrible, Britains tend to adopt a different viewpoint. They tend to see the opportunities that our changing world affords animals to spread into new habitats and maybe that is a good thing.

We have foxes, badgers, bats and even Indian parakeets living and nesting in our backgarden (the parakeets are actually two doors down from us) and this really makes for interesting evenings on the patio.

Just 50 yards down the road is the estuary, with all its wildlife, literally millions of seabirds and two seal colonies, what more can you ask for.

But this programme that I recorded last night really does take the biscuit. Ever seen or heard of pidgeons travelling from one feeding place to the next on a train? No, not on the roof, but inside the carriages. Fallow deer in the streets of London? Not an unusual sight. Peregrin falcons hunting between the towers of high finance in the city? All that and a whole lot more, all filmed within the limits of London, no trickery.

Yes, wildlife is adapting to Britain in a big way, something that an ever increasing number of people are beginning to notice. It puts people back in touch with nature and nature back in touch with mankind and that can't be a bad thing now, can it.

So for anybody interested in watching this programme I have uploaded it to rapidshare in very small 25 MB chunks, so that people without a premium account can still download it at full speed, anything larger then 25MB will cause Rapidshare to apply the breaks bigtime for non-premium users.

Right, here it goes:
Natural World (2011-2012)
13. Unnatural History of London

Seals, parakeets and even pelicans that eat pigeons have all made London their home. That's as well as badgers, foxes, scorpions, and pigeons that ride the tube. But even more wonderful are the people who love the exotic wildlife of our capital, from Billingsgate fish porters to Indian Chefs to 'Crayfish Bob', who scours London's canals for Turkish invaders. This is a warm-hearted portrait of the world's greenest capital city and the Londoners who love its secret wildlife.

Format: WMV (almost any media player will play this)
Runtime: 60 mins

The actual links are contained inside the attached text file.

Here are some screenshots:

Fallow Deer at Bethnal Green

Scorpions outside a nightclub in Soho

Foxes, well, they are just about everywhere

Great Crested Grebe on a London pond

Pidgeons on Londons Underground

Indian Ringnecked Parakeet nesting

You won't regret watching this, believe me.

Road 06-22-2012 03:50 AM

Only show I was a huge fan was The Shield and The O.C. Other than that, more a fan of cartoons, which I hate to saw since it's very nerdy to admit.

O, and Robot Chicken. I am in love with that show, I have the logo as a tattoo on my back.

Virgin4Inch 06-22-2012 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by PaintItPretty (Post 26083)
My favorite show ever is Seinfeld. I don't think I could ever possibly get sick of Seinfeld considering I have copies of all the episodes and keep them on my computer so I can watch them whenever I want. I also like Mythbusters, Pawnstars, Storage wars, American Chopper (I ride motorcycle/dirtbike) and 'Chuck'. I loved 'Chuck' (almost as much as Seinfeld). I had a little crush on Morgan; he was so cute and goofy. Also, there is a cooking show I use to love called 'Wok with Yan'. When I was a teenager, my parents were gone most of the time, so would watch that show a lot and cook for my brother and me. I miss that show. Anyway, that's pretty much it. Enough rambling for today :)

Seinfeld is my favorite show too. I like Mythbusters and for some reason I like Storage Wars too. The only recent show I've managed to get into is The Walking Dead even though I don't like zombie stuff usually

Virgin4Inch 06-22-2012 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 26037)
Hey Hover, so you didint like breakign bad? Wow, truly the first person i ever come across to not like it. Ehhh, not gona try and change your mind as i do not get paid by AMC to advertise the show :). All ill say is that there is a reason why the show is sweeping the awards ceremonies year after year.

I've never watched it either. Mad Men is very popular and seems to win a lot of awards and I've never watched that either

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