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crazy8 05-17-2012 01:40 PM

I didint get into it until about the thrid or forth episode. You have to really pay attention to because everything each character says or does is connected with everything else. Just the story, the characters, the camera work, the directing...its just amazing.
Oh and the first season is just the beggining. Its gets much, much better as the show goes on.
I watched it 3 times over already, and every single time i catch something that i didint catch before.

hoverfly 05-17-2012 08:17 PM

Have no fear, Crazy, I shall persevere. LOL.

It's just that for some reason, be the programme good, bad or ugly, if you want to knock me out cold, put the TV on and not just TV.

I loved 'Ghandi' with Sir Ben Kingley. Took me four or five screenings, plus two visits to the cinema to have seen it all.

Attache 05-18-2012 01:12 PM

I confess to being hooked on "Being Human." The British and American series are both worth watching.

hoverfly 05-19-2012 06:22 AM

Nothing to confess there, Attache. My wife has been following a German weekly programme called 'Lindenstrasse' which as of today has clocked up some 1,380 episodes. Now, that's what I call hardcore.

I guess it does qualifiy as some kind of soap but definitively with a very German twist to it. Ordinary people, not those model like actors that make most soaps so totally unbelievable and even I have to admit that the writers were always very close to what was happening in Germany and in Munich, Bavaria in general.

But 1,380 hours of any soap, Jesus, that's close to two month of anybodies life, all spent watching somebody elses life. Even Doctor Who does not come anywhere close to that. LOL

Still, if you like it, so be it.

MarkBld 05-19-2012 06:39 PM

Hoverfly, I'm glad to hear they're filming new episodes of "Red Dwarf." And, yes, I definitely agree than both Chloe Annett and Sophie Winkleman are gorgeous. In addition to the shows mentioned throughout this thread, there's also "Primeval" and "Torchwood." I love both shows. Love Andrew Lee Potts and Hannah Spearritt; but my favorite character was Dr Helen Cutter (played by the fabulous Juliet Aubrey) and second favorite was James Lester (played by Ben Miller). Haven't watched Volume Three yet (how do Brits keep track of the complex BBC nomenclature for seasons?).

As to "Torchwood," talk about hot and sexy - that would definitely be Eve Myles! Bet you thought I was going to say John Barrowman (lol)! He is hot too. But what I adore about "Torchwood" is its dark and absolutely sinister perspective. It's not a show for those who must have happy endings. In fact, I don't think a single episode had what could be called a happy ending. My kind of show.

hoverfly 05-20-2012 09:10 AM

Don't really know where to start replying to your post. Too much input. LOL

Let's start with Primeval. Now that's interesting, not that I ever watched a single episode of it but looking at the IMDB page for 'Primeval' I noticed that it was created by Tim Haines, now that put this into completely different perspective. Haines was the one who produced all the dinosaur programmes a few years back for the BBC ('Walking with Dinosaurs', 'Walking with Beasts', 'The Ballad of Big Al', as well as one of my favourite programmes 'Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets'). So, this could be an indication as to the quality and scientific accuracy to be expected, within the fabric of a story anyway.

Also, it has Ben Miller in it. He's a brilliant comedian. Did you ever get a chance to see 'Death in Paradise'? He plays a stuck up London cop in the Carribean. Only six parts, which suited me fine, milking a story endlessly can become predictable and tedious. You might like it and I can supply all the download links for it as well. Oh, it also had Danny John-Jules in that one, the Cat from Red Dwarf.

Nomenclature for seasons? Hm, not sure what you might be referring to. Maybe if you give me a hint on that one, I might be able to explain.

Eve Myles, yep, she can rock my boat anyday. LOL. Apparently voted the 7th most sexy Welsh female. I wonder how they worked that one out. Still, she is a looker.

Andrew Lee Potts
. I guess I should have heard of him, he played some role in 'Ideal', a comedy by and with Johnny Vegas, funny but I got bored with it after a couple of episodes.

Hannah Spearritt, never heard of her and having had a look at what programmes she's played in, unlikely to see much more of her, I guess. Nothing personal but it all looked a bit juvenile.

Nearly there. LOL.

Torchwood, never really got my head around that one. Mind you, only ever watched maybe two episodes, just couldn't relate to it much and just Eve Myles and her bum, well, wasn't really enough to make me hang around.

John Barrowman, he's quite a decent actor, though this persistend gay theme in the episode I watched got on my nerves a bit. I don't go round telling everybody that I'm straight all day. At first I thought it was a straight guy overacting the gay part but apparently he is gay in real life. I don't have a problem with gays, some of our closest friends are gay, just this constantly in your face thing I find a little annoying at times. I should make an appeal to the council so we can have an 'I'm straight' parade every year. Well, whatever.

Jeez, another short story. Sorry about that. But I am pleased that the thread picked up some momentum again. So, keep your posts coming, life is more then just comparing penis sizes.

MarkBld 05-20-2012 07:30 PM

I perused the thread to see if anyone mentioned "Carnivale" but I don't see where they did. Not that I've seen the show (it was on HBO, which I can't afford); but I was told by a reliable source that it's great and just the kind of show I would like. Anyone seen it? It only ran two seasons - which usually means, at least in the US, that it was a terrific show but had little "mass appeal". I'd like to buy the dvd's but I wouldn't mind a second opinion. Anyone? Thanks.

hoverfly 05-20-2012 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by MarkBld (Post 25427)
I perused the thread to see if anyone mentioned "Carnivale" but I don't see where they did. Not that I've seen the show (it was on HBO, which I can't afford); but I was told by a reliable source that it's great and just the kind of show I would like. Anyone seen it? It only ran two seasons - which usually means, at least in the US, that it was a terrific show but had little "mass appeal". I'd like to buy the dvd's but I wouldn't mind a second opinion. Anyone? Thanks.

Neither heard, nor seen it, but if you would like to have a peek before spending your money on the DVD's I can PM you some download links and if your DVD player can play back DivX videos you can either burn it to a cheap CD or DVD or if your machine has a USB port, you could even just copy it on a stick and watch it first. Just had a quick look at only one forum that I use and both seasons are posted a total of 226 times. No shortage of links there then. Just let me know.

MarkBld 05-21-2012 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 25432)
Neither heard, nor seen it, but if you would like to have a peek before spending your money on the DVD's I can PM you some download links and if your DVD player can play back DivX videos you can either burn it to a cheap CD or DVD or if your machine has a USB port, you could even just copy it on a stick and watch it first. Just had a quick look at only one forum that I use and both seasons are posted a total of 226 times. No shortage of links there then. Just let me know.

Thanks, but I'll hold off awhile longer. In the meantime, we haven't really touched on "the classics" in this thread. Since Thomas Hardy is my favorite author, I'm collecting dvd's based on his works. Though my favorite book of his is "Return of the Native,"; so far my favorite film has been "The Mayor of Casterbridge" starring Ciaran Hinds. I mention this because I consider Hinds' portrayal of Michael Henchard to be the greatest work by an actor I've ever seen - even greater than Michael Hordern's "King Lear" (I don't really care for Laurance Olivier's "King Lear"). I can't wait to watch "Jude the Obscure" - but it's four and a half hours, which means I can't watch it in one sitting.

Anyway, anyone else into "the classics"?

hoverfly 05-21-2012 07:52 PM

That's fine Mark, should you change your mind, you know where to find me. LOL

Thomas Hardy, hadn't expected such British classics to enter the discussion but so be it. Around the world he's probably best known for this 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles', not that I managed to muster up too much exitement about that one.

Right, already 9pm and my dinner is ready, so I'll have to get back to this later.

Now follows a commercial break from our favourite penis enlargement company.


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