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Old 07-25-2012, 09:47 PM   #1
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Default tips on making love with a Small penis

I posted this in another category, but I think its an important issue. Look, I will be realistic and say sometimes having a 7 incher would have made life simpler. Like being born rich, not having to TRY. But trying is what makes life interesting, and if you have teeny weenie it means you have to try harder. You have to be an interesting lover, not just a good one.
So a few basics that have kept me from rarely sleeping alone because (snif) nobody will love me because I have such a small teeny one...(snif) Enjoy and comment!

1. Back massages and foot massage as foreplay. By the time you get around to penetration..they are already satified.
2. Note with even the biggest wangers out there, porn stars rub thier clit deftly to have an orgasm. Get good at this and few complaints in the little dicklet department.
3. Most woman love being kissed all over. Think of it as a magic trick: your willy may not be the center of attention if your hands and mouth are busy.
4. I had one women who would come every time when I pushed my thumb gently into her bottom while my cocklet was in her pussy. Hey it takes some practice but boy did she love it! Best not try that on the first date however.
5. Do the English thing: you get served last. Unless she is satisfied, you are not, even if it means you have to stop. Your flag pole may not be big, but you can have the better flag.
6. And most of all, remember "We all want to be needed, but nobody likes someone who is needy". If you want sex badly don't beg, instead make her a great meal, wash her car, get her some flowers. The sex will come!
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Old 07-25-2012, 10:02 PM   #2
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None of those things can help me. My penis is worthless.
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Old 07-25-2012, 10:09 PM   #3
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Say it aint so Joe! Look babe, I have lots of lesbian friends and they don't let a little thing like that ever stop them. Maybe your little (gosh I love sph) worthless tiny thing isn't bigger than your belly button, but I had a woman once climb on my back and rub herself against my tail bone (me getting off on the "raise your butt in the air while you penis rubs against the pillow") till she came twice. Joe don't think that way! Don't!
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Old 07-26-2012, 09:12 AM   #4
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As far as actually making love with a smaller member though it takes commitment and time. That is why we called it the difference between making love and just having sex. Just haing sex is not much different then masterbating for either party involved.
Why does it have to be big, small, long, or short? Isn't it just a penis?!? Enjoy it !!
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Old 07-26-2012, 03:04 PM   #5
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Making love is two souls meeting, fucking is masturbating in an other way. Correct me if i am wrong ladies. One needs no bed or touching of bodies to make love. It starts in the eyes and can give the biggest pleasure of earth with only hands touching. So for fucking, u dont fuck your beloved, it is for one night stands and prostitutes. Making love is divine and should not be mistaken for fucking. It belongs to people u feel love and thats why we call it making love.
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Old 07-26-2012, 04:56 PM   #6
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Very well put!

As for actual positions since writing this morning I was thinking back to when my hubby and I were first exploring ourselves since we were both virgins and had little knowledge of anything sexual as far as positions go. (Nothing like that was ever discussed to us in our very conservative families) I remembered one we came up with he called riding the saddle. At the time did not understand it too well just that it worked for us. Now after having taken his Human Biology class he had explained how a saddle joint worked like your thumb. This does not put you face to face but it does allow you to get in. Imagine taking both your hands and where your thumbs separate from the hand the fleshy part push those two together. Now imagine this is you and your partner strattling each other.

For us this is probably how our first three children were concieved (of course the first two were twins). After this we became much more capable to get in and stay in, in normal positions.
Why does it have to be big, small, long, or short? Isn't it just a penis?!? Enjoy it !!
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Old 11-07-2012, 03:19 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kockette View Post
I posted this in another category, but I think its an important issue. Look, I will be realistic and say sometimes having a 7 incher would have made life simpler. Like being born rich, not having to TRY. But trying is what makes life interesting, and if you have teeny weenie it means you have to try harder. You have to be an interesting lover, not just a good one.
So a few basics that have kept me from rarely sleeping alone because (snif) nobody will love me because I have such a small teeny one...(snif) Enjoy and comment!

1. Back massages and foot massage as foreplay. By the time you get around to penetration..they are already satified.
2. Note with even the biggest wangers out there, porn stars rub thier clit deftly to have an orgasm. Get good at this and few complaints in the little dicklet department.
3. Most woman love being kissed all over. Think of it as a magic trick: your willy may not be the center of attention if your hands and mouth are busy.
4. I had one women who would come every time when I pushed my thumb gently into her bottom while my cocklet was in her pussy. Hey it takes some practice but boy did she love it! Best not try that on the first date however.
5. Do the English thing: you get served last. Unless she is satisfied, you are not, even if it means you have to stop. Your flag pole may not be big, but you can have the better flag.
6. And most of all, remember "We all want to be needed, but nobody likes someone who is needy". If you want sex badly don't beg, instead make her a great meal, wash her car, get her some flowers. The sex will come!
i totaly agree with this one...... i do the same thing....

women want to feel safe and secure.. and when you make love, make them feel that, most girls i know just want someone who they feel secure with..

heres a step by step on how i do it.. usually hehehe

you start off by kissing.. a lot of kissing.. most girls i know like that... not too wet and not to fast.. just slowly kiss her.. you ask when to use the tongue? i usually make her do the 1st move when you kiss just open your mouth a little ( if the girl is exeperienced) she'll usually do 1st move.. by then what you want to do is dont suck on it.. carres it with your tongue.. as if inviting her to do more... when you kiss... try biting her lip... not that hard... just a tiny bit... but make sure it doesnt hurt... now (if the girl isnt experienced) you usually have to make the 1st move with the tongue.. when you do it... dont stick it right away in her mouth.. your goal it to make her follow you.. me her tongue come out and play.. me i usually let my tongue out not too much just enough to touch her upper teeth... in a like "come here" motion when you use your finger.. if she follows then she's really into it... remember!! not too wet!!! its a turn off!!!

now!! the hands!!! where to put them!!??

girls dont want you to instantly hold there boobs! theyre not hookers... it takes time... while doing the kissing.... as ive said above..(while both of you are standing).... me what i usually do... i put both of me hands on her waist... when the kissing intensify i place my other hand on the side of her face... like you see in the movies... and your thumb gently caressing her cheek... usually by that time shes really really into the kissing..... sometimes .... (remember the hand thats on her waist).. i slowly move it down... (n no not for 3rd base).. down to the side of her thighs... n a pull up her thigh...( hopefully im still making sense hehe)... by know your one hand is on the side of her face... and your other hand on her thigh raising it just a bit.... dunnot if you still get me.... hehehe

thats the tip i can give.... the kissing part anyway... if you want to know more... just ask.. hehehe
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Old 11-08-2012, 03:32 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by small_dik View Post

Nice site!
Why does it have to be big, small, long, or short? Isn't it just a penis?!? Enjoy it !!
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Old 07-31-2014, 04:41 PM   #9
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It's more about hitting, stimulating your partners clitoris that satisfies her most during intercourse. If your tiny like me, missionary and doggy positions work best for you and your partner. But before and form of entry remember to practice foreplay foreplay foreplay.
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Old 08-01-2014, 01:22 AM   #10
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I agree on lots of foreplay, but how do you make doggy work? Seems like you need a bit of length for that
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