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Old 12-23-2010, 04:11 PM   #21
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Thanks for all the responses guys!!!
So you guys say making up for my lost time is pointless, why? Why is it pointeless? Why am i not allowed to set goals and trive for them? Yeah i have a girl that loves me even if i didint have a penis, she loves me for who i am. She knows she will never find anyone like me, but thats another story. I hate myself, and that leads me to hate my life. There is just so many things i would have done different if i was not small. As one the gusy metioned, hes 50 and imagine if he wanted to make you for lost time. I dont want to be that guy (no offense) i dont want ot be 50 and say what if. Im going to give this PE thing a try, and if lets say in 5 years i dont gain anything at all, im just going to blow my brains out because i dont want to live this way anymore. Plain and simple, i have had enough of this life as a short dick man and im going to do something about it. Fuck it, i have nothing to loose.
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Old 12-23-2010, 04:13 PM   #22
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Oh and, i would give up half of my sensitivity for another inch in girth.
See this is what im talking about. I look at homeless people and im jelous of them cuz i keep thikining they are probably bigger then me. Have you ever been jelous of dirty, smelly guy on a street? I have, and times like these make me not want to live.
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Old 12-23-2010, 07:04 PM   #23
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dude you shouldn't let your penis size dictate how you live. Look at people blessed lesser than you etc, you will find plenty of people who envy what YOU have. Also you said you're 5 inches erect which is not too small either. The average size is only 5.5-6 inches so you're not far behind.
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Old 12-24-2010, 07:53 PM   #24
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For me the answer to the OP's question is yes. Kinky little bugger that I am, I wouldn't mind if it was smaller yet!.

However, I'm married, in my mid-fifties and a good deal more relaxed about these things. I can well appreciate for the younger members on here, the size issue must cause considerable anguish. The problem is that we judge ourselves more harshly than others probably would. Other than in sex-play, anyone who choses to make disparaging comments about your dick, is a dick.

Your size is an accident of genetics/birth - nothing you can do - you were gifted it by others. This applies to big cocks and tiny dicks. Anyone whose got a bigger one than you hasn't achieved anything - they just got lucky.

And as several others have said - if your partners are judging you by the size of your cock, then kick 'em into touch sooner rather than later - they ain't worth keeping!!!

Small Penis Owner/Operator

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ME: ME!!!!!
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Old 12-25-2010, 03:39 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by crazy8 View Post
Thanks for all the responses guys!!!
So you guys say making up for my lost time is pointless, why? Why is it pointeless? Why am i not allowed to set goals and trive for them? Yeah i have a girl that loves me even if i didint have a penis, she loves me for who i am. She knows she will never find anyone like me, but thats another story. I hate myself, and that leads me to hate my life. There is just so many things i would have done different if i was not small. As one the gusy metioned, hes 50 and imagine if he wanted to make you for lost time. I dont want to be that guy (no offense) i dont want ot be 50 and say what if. Im going to give this PE thing a try, and if lets say in 5 years i dont gain anything at all, im just going to blow my brains out because i dont want to live this way anymore. Plain and simple, i have had enough of this life as a short dick man and im going to do something about it. Fuck it, i have nothing to loose.
Trust me man I understand about hating life and yourself, I get like that myself all the time, and sometimes it is because of my size, and yes I have thought of suicide before. But then I come to terms that there are people is worse situations, people were size is the last thing on their minds, important things like bills and feeding children come up. And I envy you man, dont look at the homeless man, look at me, I'm 21, a virgin and I wish I had a GF who loved me for me. I feel my youth was wasted because I was too scared to have fun, and now I feel y 20s is wasting away. But if I had a girl it would be allright IMO. so don't be so down on yourself that you want to blown your brains out, look at what you have and feel good about yourself. Sometimes I wish I could take my own advice, but it just ain't that easy.
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Old 12-25-2010, 10:12 AM   #26
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Furthermore to tinydick4u's info, you might want to read this. This acutally comes from the Tom Hubbard site. Also, once again, it does NOT work.

Thunders Place:General disclaimer

From Thunders Place

Thunder's Place is not responsible for the validity of information presented here or for the the results of application of the information presented here. Anyone reading information or applying techniques presented on this site, does so at their own risk.

Any information you find here has the potential to cause permanent damage. When evaluating whether a particular path should be followed it is necessary to engage your brain and actually read local warnings and take them in.

When starting out in PE there is a tendency to exceed sensible limits and cause injury. The first step in sensible penis enlargement is to allow yourself enough time to evaluate the risk:reward ratio for a particular technique and make every effort to ease into any program.

It is essential to be aware of your penis's temperature and color during all PE exercises. Cutting off blood flow to the penis can result in permanent loss of feeling.

Originally Posted by tinydick4u View Post
OK.Here are some links.Read them carefully.

I used the swim cap method for a year and gained 1/2 inch.I have since slacked off because I lack self discipline.
Heavy Weights - Classic Site - Tom Hubbard - Penis Enlargement Manual

Tom Hubbard - Penis Enlargement Manual

Home made penis enlargement devices
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Old 12-25-2010, 10:42 AM   #27
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Default I copied this from the Hubbard site...

and I must say, it sounds very true...

Penis Enlargement will change your life

Is it that simple?

No, penis enlargement might help your mindset a bit but if you are suffering from low self esteem it might even effect you negatively.

If you aren't scoring, it's not to do with your dick size and if you think it is, you might stand a better chance not waving your dick at potential mates the minute you slap eyes on them for the first time.

If you think everything in your life will turn out OK if you just have another couple of inches, you are kidding yourself you'll find something else to obsessively ruin your life with after this.

Last edited by hoverfly; 12-28-2010 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 12-27-2010, 04:00 PM   #28
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~Good advice. Although its easy for me to say, i'm big compared to most of you guys. One thing that that extra half inch did for me is made me realise i was ok to begin with, don't know if that would be the same for someone with a low average or below average size. There are moderators on Thundersplace who claim to have been 5-6 inches and are now 9x7 and ridiculous sizes like that. I can't imagine how that could even be possible but apparently it is. I'm certainly not messing with my cock anymore, maybe i was too forceful but i've hurt it in the past with PE and its not the same. One plus point of less sensitivity is that you can go for ages, which may be of use to some.
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Old 01-13-2011, 09:23 PM   #29
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You can train yourself to go for a long time. Its called PC muscle, there are techniques that help you excersize it.
People keep saying SPH on here, my guess its kind of like a cockhold marriage type of thing?
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:06 PM   #30
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crazy8, I hope sincerely you won't be offended by my comment. But when I see someone that can't figure out that PE not only does not work but simply does not exist, and of top of that says that he will commit suicide if he can't get a bigger penis, there is only one thing I can tell. You need some serious help. Please consult before doing something that will either hurt or kill you.

PE is a fraud, like many others, and furthermore is risky for your penile health, not to mention your mental and financial health. Check with your doc if you don't believe this.

I'm not a psy, but I don't think your problem is your average penis that you think is small. I'm pretty sure your problem is low self esteem. That can be fixed with help. But you have to accept this and get the help if you want to get out of it.

I just hope you'll realize that and get the help you need. Good luck.
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