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Old 01-15-2011, 11:23 AM   #31
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Crazy8, jobleau is right. DON'T you go doing something silly or more bluntly, downright stupid. You have a girlfriend, now that's already more then some of the posters on this forum can lay claim to.

I too can only urge you, as did jobleau before me, to seek some professional advice. See your GP about your problem, he is bound by confidentiality, so no leaks. Any half decent GP should be able to give you advice on you issues.

And lastly, go see your GP. We don't want to log in one morning having to read your obituary.
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Old 01-15-2011, 11:39 AM   #32
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I pretty sure PE doesnt work or else nobody would have to have a small penis.
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Old 01-17-2011, 04:31 PM   #33
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Hey guys,
First of all, i would like to say that no body offended me by anything they said.
I like contructive ctitisism. Besides, i know all you want to help, so getting mad would be stupid, and childish.
What exactly is a doctor going to help me with? And, if i go see a shrink, what is he going to do for me?
I understand where you guys are coming from, but it will not help in my situation.
You see, im not depressed. Im not on drugs. I dont have a history of violence towards my self and oteths. Everything that i shared with you guys is the truth that is coming from my heart.
I truly dont want to live my whole life with a small penis. Its not that im going crazy, i dont have split personality. Im not on meth, shrooms or sleeping/depression pills.
It is a councious decision, nothing else.
I do realize that a lot of you would want to ne in my shoes. You know, pensi not so small as i imagine, hot girlfriend, what else can i ask for right?
Well wrong. I want to be able to go to a public toilet when there is someone else there.
I want to be able to have one night stands, and not worry about being ashamed. I want to be able to fuck a girl that i know, and not worry about rumors she will spread later on.
I want to play pro hockey again, and not worry about those damn showers and locker rooms.
I know that i will be miserable for the rest of my life if i have small one. Thats that. I dont want to be miserable all my life. So best believe, if this PE shit fails after i give it an honest shot, im finished. I see absolutely no reason to dwell this planet in misery.
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Old 01-17-2011, 06:12 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by crazy8 View Post
Hey guys,
First of all, i would like to say that no body offended me by anything they said.
I like contructive ctitisism. Besides, i know all you want to help, so getting mad would be stupid, and childish.
What exactly is a doctor going to help me with? And, if i go see a shrink, what is he going to do for me?
I understand where you guys are coming from, but it will not help in my situation.
You see, im not depressed. Im not on drugs. I dont have a history of violence towards my self and oteths. Everything that i shared with you guys is the truth that is coming from my heart.
I truly dont want to live my whole life with a small penis. Its not that im going crazy, i dont have split personality. Im not on meth, shrooms or sleeping/depression pills.
It is a councious decision, nothing else.
I do realize that a lot of you would want to ne in my shoes. You know, pensi not so small as i imagine, hot girlfriend, what else can i ask for right?
Well wrong. I want to be able to go to a public toilet when there is someone else there.
I want to be able to have one night stands, and not worry about being ashamed. I want to be able to fuck a girl that i know, and not worry about rumors she will spread later on.
I want to play pro hockey again, and not worry about those damn showers and locker rooms.
I know that i will be miserable for the rest of my life if i have small one. Thats that. I dont want to be miserable all my life. So best believe, if this PE shit fails after i give it an honest shot, im finished. I see absolutely no reason to dwell this planet in misery.
hey man, please don't say that. we were all given what he have for a reason, so you should just accept it. not being able to go into urinals when there is someone else there or not being able to have 1 night stands is not something you should be even contemplating ending your life over. just swallow all that as a bitter pill. everyone has something to complain about, and anyone can find something to self pity themselves over, but you need to count your blessings and not what you lack. I hope you can get over this problem soon.
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Old 02-27-2011, 04:36 AM   #35
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you can have 1 night stands... i mean you said u have a hot girl friend right? if shes hot u can at least find girls for one night stands. rumors so what... im perfectly fine with my small dick for as long as i live... i love the lil fucker. i use to be the same way wanting to end my life bcuz of it being small but i got out of it and happier than ever. Its ur buddy man if u let people make u feel bad with rumors that not like supporting your best friend in your life when people make fun of him. you should stand up for him and honor him and try your best to stick it in as many pussys as possible its our job as a man in life.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:29 PM   #36
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What is bdsm? Is that like small penis humiliation shit? If it is them in definitely not interested.
Or is it something like, people who love small penises get together so you dont feel bad because people actually want you to be small.
Im confused, how will it change my life?
On a side note, there are only two things that can change my life for the better.
HItting the jackpot, or increasing my size. If i had to choose, i would go with the latter.
Anyway, please explain
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:33 PM   #37
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O ok, just researched it. So basically, its a form of foreplay/fetish type shit. Like being a slave to your mistress, likcing her feet, following orders. Naaah, not my thing. IF there was a girl out there who wanted to play the role of a slave or what not, then its a different story.
But where am i going to find a girl that digs small penises and likes to walk around the house on a leash? Try Mars or Jupiter because girls like that dont exist on this planet.
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Old 03-10-2011, 02:17 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by crazy8 View Post
O ok, just researched it. So basically, its a form of foreplay/fetish type shit. Like being a slave to your mistress, likcing her feet, following orders. Naaah, not my thing. IF there was a girl out there who wanted to play the role of a slave or what not, then its a different story.
But where am i going to find a girl that digs small penises and likes to walk around the house on a leash? Try Mars or Jupiter because girls like that dont exist on this planet.
Yes they do. You just have to get into the community. It's not strictly "men are slaves and women are doms". Anyone can be either, and some people switch between the two.
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Old 03-11-2011, 06:06 AM   #39
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From the pots it seems me and crazy are some of the only few who hate our size ALOT. I think it's because were two of the youngest posters on here, I'm 22 and he's 29 if I'm not mistaken. I guess age is a factor for penis size acceptance. I mean we hear our friends talking about their size and blabbing on and on. Well that's in my case, also having no experience in sex is not goin to help me out becuase I might encounter (rare) some positive/non-negative girl reactions. Atleast he has a GF lol I got nothing, might be why Im pretty depressed at times. O well, hopefully trying to get in shape helps me out this summer.
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